Peter what does this mean?

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There’s a common stereotype that white people are more likely to engage in extreme or deadly activities for fun. Some examples are things like;

Caving/spelunking (as depicted in the picture), bungee jumping, skydiving, hiking in bear-infested woods, traveling to dangerous areas like volcanoes, interacting with or befriending dangerous wildlife.

It also extends into movie behavior like investigating haunted houses where you will commonly see white people just casually exploring a dark, scary room while black people in the movies would be like, ‘No way, I’m out of here.’

Given this stereotype, the joke is that a black person would never find themselves in this situation as they would never do an activity like the one described that could lead to it.

I thought the joke is Saddam Hussein
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Theres a stereotype that white people enjoy stuff like hiking, rock climbing and spelunking

It’s a picture depicting an event where a spelunker went deep into a well known cave head first and accidentally went down the wrong path and got stuck upside down. They couldn’t really do anything to save him, their rescue efforts actually made it worse and made him 100% stuck.

Look up nutty putty cave

That would be my tomb, i would wish for some rare metal to be poured in a vein down to me and then in 1000 years when miners find the valuable vein they will think i am some god ir anchient king who cursed them.

There is a common stereotype that white people tend to not need to worry about surviving all that often so they are more willing to throw their lives aways in dangerous sports

This isn’t a joke it’s true.

There is literally no stories of black people in situations such as these. Before even knowing the story I knew it was a white dude with zero background

Black folks do not try such daredevil adventures.

The picture is rotated 90° clockwise, it shows the body of John Edward Jones, a 26 years old man who died in Nutty Putty cave in 2009 after spending 27 hours upside down in a hole barely the size of his body.

The tweet that answers to the image says that black people are less likely to die in a similar situation because they’re less likely to likely to engage in dangerous sports like spelunking.

Ist this sadam huseins hiding Spot?

There is a stereotype that black people don’t do dangerous activities. Such as gator fishing(yes it’s real) rock climbing mountain summiting sky diving etc. it’s kinda true I’m black and I’ve never done any dangerous activities for “adrenaline rush”

A racial stereotype that black people have better survival instincts than white people. A black twitter user doesn’t need to give a comment to how he’ll respond to being in a life or death situation like that, because they are smart enough to not go cave exploring in the first place.

Before reading the comments, I was wondering what did Saddam Hussein did this time :)))

Is that Saddam Hussein???

Saddam Hussein was in this situation and he wasn’t white

saddam hussain spotted? idk

The person shown in picture is white/greyish

I am white, but god damn I an not that white to ever be in a situation like that

It only happens to grey people.

I am poor i will never be in this situation

*Not all white people die in hot air balloon accidents, but only white people die in hot air balloon accidents.*

It probably means those people love to make their lives complicated for no reason at all.

White people nonsense

The joke is the siluette is white while he’s black.

Tru to build a hoisting system based of wood, almost get out then experience it breaks.

I’m pretty sure the image needs to be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Its rotated 90 degrees tho, he was head down

Saddam Hussein hiding spot

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