Petre, why the two broken nails?

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Trimmed for fingering safely

It’s actually common for lesbians to trim the nails on their dominant hand to prevent injuring their partner’s sensitive mucus membrane with sharp nails during manual stimulation of the nether region.

The algorithm clearly didn’t need Peter to explain
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I know a girl who used to have long nails on her left hand and short nails on her right. I asked and she said something like, “one hand is for boys, the other hand is for girls.”

So she can finger her girlfriend without hurting her.


Those are the fingerin’ fingers.

master baiter

Inconsistent Nail length for different tasks.

Like a Classical Guitarist, who only grows the nails of their picking hand


Straight girls do this too, when they are lonely

Bang bang finger bang

Sharp nails will start shark week early.

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Oooooue ooooue I know this!

LGBQT Peter here,

It’s very common for women who masterbate regularly to keep their nails trimmed for obvious reason. Some girls want to do their nails all long and fancy but still keep practicality involved for “fun time”

This practice would be even more common throughout the lesbian community because, well, they’re lesbians.

So the gay girl is laughing at all the straight girls comments because they’re clueless to the function of leaving the two finger trimmed. Although, as my gay cousin always says (F).

Spaghetti is straight until you make it wet.

Sharp nails hurt when inserted into areas

Everyone knows straight girls don’t finger themselves

Didn’t she forget about the “stink” finger?

Because sharp things don’t go in vaginas, Petre

Why did they have the feel to mention lesbian? It’s almost as if they think straight women don’t also masturbate 🤨

Tell me how you’ve never touched a woman before hahahaha

The length and width of these fingers is insane. Can stir the macaroni and pick their nose at the same time jfc

They’re safety scissors

Everyone saying it’s lesbian fingering and I’m over here thinking about wiping your ass without poking holes 😭

For me it just bothers me as a point of inconsistency. At least balance it on the left come on

So I’ve always favored my middle- and ring-fingers for that particular endeavor. The pointer has a bit of a Napolean Complex going on when it works with my middle.

Answer: finger blasting….

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I don’t buy it.

Oh yeah, sure, straight girls don’t understand cutting your nails to finger someone. It’s not like they need to cut their own nails or have their boyfriends do it…

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