Philly fan “apology”

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Let he who has not deliberately and repeatedly berated a woman at a professional sporting event cast the first stone

“I apologize sincerely….BUT” is always a great strategy….

“An incident occurred” sir you were the incident

What a cunty thing to say

He is not sorry for saying that, he is sorry for getting caught…

“I kind of apologize but it wasn’t my fault.”

Okay bro.

Nothing says “I deeply regret my actions” more than “yeah well, they fucking started it!”

I’m sorry… but if you heard the full exchange you’d agree she deserved it

I love how people continue to be like hey this doesn’t reflect who I am as a person, like, my brother.. you are the one who chose these actions

Starting it out with “my beloved Eagles” already puts it in such a weird light.

Everyone’s seen the video, it wasn’t just a response to something, it was trying to antagonize and escalate. If you say “what are you going to do about it?” you’re not simply responding to something that was done or said to you.

I was about to say the only thing I like about this is that he didn’t go with the classic “this does not represent my character” when it obviously does, but then he did that as well in the last line. 10/10 fail of an apology, should be blacklisted from society.

What a cunt

Don’t even waste your time apologizing by this time next week no one will even remember this or pretend to care.

Mostly this thread shows how many of us hate the eagles. Lol

So he says that the context was missing and then doesn’t explain said context? By all means if they were harassing him first he would’ve said something, he’s just lying to sound better

Anyone who calls a Philadelphia sports team “my beloved” is most likely an asshole.

Character is who you are when you think nobody is watching…fuck this guy, hope he is banned from every venue in Philadelphia.

As soon as I saw the “that said,” I knew we were in for a treat

As a non American the whole reaction to this just astounds me. Imagine if you’d personal apologies for every fan related abuse incident that happened in England at the football every weekend!

This motherfucker got his lawyer or a relative he always chastises for “thinking they’re so smart, thinking they’re better than me!” to write this lol

Too late asshole. Try treating woman better. He’s lucky , most men would have smacked him silly.

Nice job walking back your entire apology in the conclusion, dumbass.

That’s not an apology and anyone who uses the language he used is a scumbag. If you think what he said is ok, you’re a scumbag. If you qualify that as “talking trash” and have said things like that to opposing fans, you’re a scumbag. I don’t pity him. Nobody should pity him. He’s trash. Get fucked, scumbag.

“Yeah well….she started it” take ur L old man

“My actions were not without provocation…” Non-apology

Fuck this guy

This dickhead is only sorry about his consequences. I’m sure he bragged about how he “handled her” to all his friends after the game.

TLDR: “That said… she started it!”

Not defending the eagles fan by any means, but want to add some context: [](

The packers fan in this video runs a fan account on twitter, he set up a gofundme to have his followers donate to send him to this eagles game, in the gofundme post he talks about how he always gets berated and assualted etc. etc. In the video, you can see the guy asking the eagles to fan to repeat what he said. It seems likely this guy was prodding an eagles fans waiting for a mark like this guy who was too drunk, and he got what he wanted with that video. He then posted the video on his social media and got it viral.

Again, the eagles fan was very obviously wrong, and no one should be using that language. But I think there’s a discussion to be had about the morality of this packers fan seeking out the vitriol for views and clicks, and essentially ruining this guys life.

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