Photo of the Mcdonalds worker who ratted out the shooter

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“They are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats, they are eating the pets.” “They are killing the CEOs.”

What a weird fucking timeline

Would McDonaldโ€™s even hire him with all his felonies? ย 


r/pics is not what it used to be. Sadge

I wonder…would a billionaire turn in another billionaire for murdering a minimum wage worker?

this joke is getting old already (free luigi tho)

And he would make sure to collect the reward as well.

lol bigly snitch

Hahahaha thatโ€™s good!

He probably get a position at the White House.

That cunt never worked a day in his life.

It wasn’t a worker, it was a customer

all these dipshits talking about going after the mcdonalds lady, theres still CEO’s!

You stole this from Hasanโ€ฆ

god, i love the internet

Nah. Luigi wouldโ€™ve smooshed that goomba

Can I post this next?

Got my mf ass ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

The Don himself: Ensuring the welfare of Corporate America. God Bless this man and the USA

How are these posts even allowed at this point? Seriously this sub has gone to complete shit along with the mods here that allow this shit. So much for reddit being hate free. I guess as long as the hate is in the same direction its celebrated but holy fuck don’t hate what the mods love.

Quit with the bullshit politics it’s overplayed and frankly immature and just annoying. Keep thinking those fake internet points are going to improve your quality of life.


This, indeed, is NSFW.

He considers himself a CEO

God dammit you made me lose my shit XD

why to put NSFW,i always rush so that i could see some titties but then this old man shows up

My type of humor. Thanks for the chuckle!!


This person is not the villain. The UHC killer committed a murder, so this person is morally justified in turning them in.

Don’t let them focus your attention away from the real problem here.

He wouldn’t last a shift

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