Photo of the person who allegedly told Trump “you’re not the president, you need to go away”

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This should be Time magazines next cover

Kids repeat stuff they hear from the adults around them

That fat gold chain is crazy

hahaha trump must be feeling so small today.. lets tariff the insecurities away!

At least someone had the stones to say it to his face. No one else in Washington was going to do it. Tiny billionaire child doesn’t care…

Every news outlet should be forced to spell this kid’s full name out as a testament to Elon’s utter stupidity.

[Video of the nose-pickers alleged comment](

Just remember. He’s been told this directly by somebody. He’s probably 5 or 6 and is most likely not on Reddit reading this for himself.

I wonder who could have said that to him, or to someone within earshot lol

Mining for emeralds must be hereditary.

i’m p sure he heard that from his dad, bc elon wants to be in charge

Vice president junior musk

He should have said, “my hands are bigger than yours”

Ah yeah, showcasing a billionaire toddler in a massive gold chain while people can’t afford food will certainly lower inflation.

Elons Kevlar

Do you have a video of him saying this?

It’s always funny when small children fight on the playground.

Less so when one of the children is an adult, is in charge of the most powerful nation in the world, the playground is the oval office, and lost.

This picture is making Ted Cruz hungry.

Oh. I really do hope this is real

If I were that boy’s mother, i’d be very worried about his safety

Not looking forward to his teenager years

I agree, kiddo… neither is your dad

He will probably inherit more $ than Trump did

leave *checks notes* Human Shield out of this

Did he really say that?! Sorry, my brain is so messed up by the constant insane headlines, I can’t tell what’s a joke anymore.

Eat my booger orange man

This kid’s still going to get teased about this in the 2080s

Also told Trump to “Shush your mouth”. Personally, I like the kid.

This poor boy is gonna hate his dad just as much as the rest of his kids soon enough. He’s going to be included in history books with his finger up his nose.

Well we know what bedtime stories Elmo has been reading to his spawn

Pickin’ for gold nuggets is still honest work ain’t it?

What the fuck is that gold chain

Poor kid probably sees Daddy 1 hour a week and he’s a prop.

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