Photographer creates a playful series of him stealing the moon.

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Wtf put it back

Minions! Tonight we steal the moon!

What’s the point if the moon is just added on?

Moon in front of the clouds 🤔


Someone call 911!!


* The camera is fixed but the moon travel horizontally.
* The man’s has a short shadow, but its full moon.
* The clouds in the first picture are behind the moon during the daylight hours.

Heyyy! I was using that!

British Museum likes the idea.

gru gotta take some notes


I assume there’s some perspective mumbo jumbo going on to make the moon look so big?

Moon thief !!!. We need laws against moon theft.

Lifts with his legs. Good form.

wow good photo

Gonna show this to my Qanon mother who wholeheartedly believes the moon isn’t real lol

AND he’s handsome. damn

I like how there are people in these comments sleuthing the pic like it’s not a guy putting the moon in his car. 😆

He should do another series about the stolen moon melting away

Absolutely unimportant but related: there’s a song, in dutch, from Flemish singer Jan De Wilde, about the moon being stolen.

As said, very unimportant.

Damn they stole that too?!

At least he has good lifting techniques. Gotta protect your back kids.

Gru got trim.


That’s a lotta cheese!


[Here]( are higher-quality and less-cropped versions of these images. [Here]( is the source of the last three images. [Here]( is the source of all of these together. Credit to the photographer, [Daniel Antoniol](

> August 26, 2021

> I was giving it a miss here in heaven, so I decided to take it. I hope the owner doesn’t complain.

This is great

Skipping leg day

Has to be fake. For the moon the look this big the image should have been taken pretty far away but it seems close

Man this is really fuuuuuuivkinh interestiiingttttgg

Gru, is that you?

Bro think he felonious gru😭🙏

He captured the moon

Coincidentally his car is a Renault Captur

Good idea

Maybe he’s a photographer, but these are not photos. They have been Photoshopped on a computer.

Vector could never

Now take me.

gru back at it again


average British Museum employee

Sokka hates this.

He missed the step where he needs to sit on the toilet seat.


I appreciate the proper lifting form. The moon is heavy, don’t want to pull anything. Would’ve really sold it for me if the car sat lower on the suspension.

gru called. he wants his scheme back

Tonight we steal the moon

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