Pizza hut tripping

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Sorry, im not taking directions from some Pizza Hut manager that can’t spell banned.

Pizza Hut always tripping, they are always saying “you work for us” , no I don’t bitch 🤣

“you work for us” where’s my hourly pay & benefits then lmao

I’d report it to DD as I’m sure that’s against their merchant TOS.

If we work for them are they going to start forking over that $5 delivery fee they collect 👀

Oh no don’t get band

DoorDash is the one that stacks orders. Most of the time, no one wants to do them because one is almost always a non tip order. Idiots.


I don’t think they realize what a privilege it would be to be banned from that store.

LOL “band”. If you’re going to waste your time making an unenforceable sign at least learn to spell.

I decline all Pizza Hut offers so they can kiss the blackest part of my ass.

You work for us is a trip. Um no we don’t.


I’d have tore that shit down and explained to that manager that’s not the case! Real quick

I work for YOU???? 😂😂😂😂😂 Cock sucking pukes. I’d have made an award winning Yelp review, shown them it in person… then told them to ‘fire’ me 🖕🏻

Did a toddler write this?

Go back inside with a pen a write very clear on the bottom that you’ll be taking this to your lawyer because you’re missing a few paychecks! 😂😂

Well then YOU need to hire more drivers, Pizza Hut. It’s not our fault you can’t keep staff and outsource to DD.

Whoever wrote that should be “band” from making signs.

The thing that pisses me off is the “you work for us” like, I’ve worked fast food, and done doordash. Some people have that attitude on both sides, like some dashers act like the store/workers works for them when it’s just not true. Neither of us work for the other, get over yourself.

Can I tell my mom I have a real job now ?

I will bring the worlds smallest violin for the Pizza Hut band. lol

I wanna be in the band, too. Better follow the rules.

They’ll take down that sign once customers start complaining that there order was never delivered all the time. Or lose their location completely on DoorDash and start losing a lot of money. My old pizza hut got closed due to this…

If I could get banned from every Pizza Hut, Papa John’s and Little Caesars I would be so happy.

Also we definitely dont work for the restaurant, or wed get the same discounts they do

Pretty sure my bank transfers are from Doordash 🤷🏻‍♀️

Please don’t “band” me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)

Sounds like everyone in that area needs to not accept orders from that Pizza Hut and force them to deliver themselves

“you work for us” might be the greatest reddit line ever

That’s ridiculous, Doordash stacks orders.

I got a guitar and drums

> You work for us, Pizza Hut!!!

No, silly. He works for us, the hungry!!!

You will be band ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

i might be band, but will i be orchestra?

I would correct the “band” to “banned”, add a “^you” after the “if”, and put a strike though the ~ just to be cheeky because there’s no way I “work for” anyone who is that stupid 🫡

Mind you. They have this sign listed 4 times in this store lol.

If I work for them, where’s my paycheck at ?

One place in my town told me I couldn’t take two orders at once because “some other drivers would get them mixed up” I had to unassign both orders on the spot and haven’t been back to them in over two years. Fuck that, maybe some people are stupidly and can’t read or made a mistake but don’t ruin my time and money over something I haven’t even done…

I’d accept 3 orders just to be petty.

Non related but once I did a service call at a retail store where the manager who had a VERRRRYYY STRICT no cell phone out on the floor policy. I’m there troubleshooting and she said “you can’t be on your phone while you’re working here” I told her that I can either be on my phone with her support or leave. I told her that I’m on my phone more half the time on the job and if anything I would prefer not to be on the phone and I’m not your employee lol

Band 😂😂😂 ok boss


“You WILL be band”

Yeah cus we totally have control on when DoorDash stacks orders or not 😂

You will be BAND!


Lol @ them trying to deflect blame when it’s on them if they work too slow and take too long. And they don’t know the difference between “band” and “banned.” They don’t even have any ability or authority to ban drivers, because no, Doordash drivers do *not* work for Pizza Hut lmao.

lol. They’re wasting paper.

I don’t recall applying there but ok.

I would draw so many profanities on that sign

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