Played this boardgame first time and my brothers GF decided to throw one of the minis to celebrate her victory…

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She needs to stop kraken your belongings

At least it looks like a clean break. A dab of super glue should fix it.

Scold her angrily then glue the piece back together while maintaining eye contact until dry. Remain stern and unyielding for all the times that you cross paths.

Kidnap her parents and hold them for ransom.

Release the kraken

She should replace what she broke.

Out of curiosity. Threw how? Like at a wall
Across the room? In the air and she messed up catching it? Just curious

A drop of glue will fix that. But that’s the last time you should let her play. Either that, or next time get piece can be an old button or something.

Why do I have Thor in my head when he was in a Café for the first time- „This was delicious!“ SMASH

How else should she let you know that this game was fun? Absolutely appropriate behavior for a sailor celebrating a victory. ✌️

I guess someone isn’t invited to the next game night.

Did she apologise at least…? That’s not how you treat other people’s stuff.

Get sole glue and fix it, just tell her to not do it again.

You should try writing your the company. They’ll probably send you a replacement for free.

She’s tempting the eldritch horror Cthulhu to wake up xD

That’s just what the victor does upon winning Chardee MacDennis

Don’t worry, it may seem broken but that’s just your brain trying to understand it’s form

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

Was she at least mortified?

Decided to throw, wow. What an idiot

Wait until their wedding, it may take years, and then offer to cut the wedding cake… but you push it onto the ground instead. Leave without explanation.

That poor scrotum squid

Try plastic cement, instead of just regular old superglue. It will fuse the plastic back together. The other commenter suggesting pinning with wire is also solid. I would personally do both.

The next line of that sentence better be “and then she bought me a new one to replace the one she broke”

I would use resin to adhere it back together. Just make sure you use a nail file and lightly score it so that there is a textured surface to grip.

Source: D&D nerd who had little nephews with lightening quick hands and the coordination of a baby giraffe with polio.

My B.I.L brought a girl over to a cookout and she had a kid. Kid was doing something ( I can’t remember) but mom got “onto” him and then ( in an effort to threaten him) she reached over and snapped the 6ft long leader limb of my weeping Japanese Maple tree!!!!!!!
I just screamed NOOOO… WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! I turned to B.I.L and said get her the fuck out of here.

If you’re happy and you know it throw my shit,👏👏

So when is the replacement she is paying premium for on for swift delivery arriving?


She should fix it and paint it all detailed now.

Who the fuck throws stuff when celebrating victory? Is she a neanderthal? Does shit have basic education?

Is this 3D printing resin? Get a glue with cyanoacrylate, probably the best on the market for your specific need.

Tamiya model glue will fix that. It melts the resin so you get a better fix than superglue etc. What a shit first experience though

And I bet she used up all the glue on purpose!

I’d use plastic glue on this. The kind that slightly melts the pieces

Is she going to buy a new one?

Ex girlfriend

Last time they be invited to board game night

What boardgame is it?

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