Playing as depressed middle aged men is my favorite video game genre

By Crylose
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Plays games to escape reality

Plays as self

Max Payne was peak, lost his wife, lost his kid and lost his mind. Remake is currently in the works.

What about the protag from Disco Elysium? He’s not only depressed, but also an amnesiac and an alcoholic!

Yakuza went from depressed middle-aged protagonist to enthusiastically positive middle-aged protagonist


Niko was 26 years old in GTA IV. For a 10-year-old, 26 might seem like middle age, but for me, 26 is the age of a young adult, not a middle-aged man.

God I miss Niko Bellic.

I hate that he happened before GTA characters got the fame and support they deserved.

His story was really good too.

No Harry from DE?

we prefer to just be called ‘middle-aged men’. we know we’re depressed.

It’s because most of the audience can relate lol

Bruce Wayne from the Asylum quadrilogy.

James from Silent Hill 2 may fit in this club.

Then may I recommend Jim Raynor in Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty.

I live it. So I don’t mind playing characters that aren’t like me.

So much for escapist power fantasies

Because game developers are depressed middle-aged men.

Niko Bellic is not middle aged. He’s like mid to late twenties.

Not quite as fun to BE one however.

well you won’t find any depressed middle aged women as game protagonists, so i think this is your only option lol

The Evil Within, anyone?

I play every game as a depressed middle aged man, they help me become a depressed middle aged man who sucks at games.

Disco Elysium is the king of this genre.

Men in video games can look like this but god forbid a female character isn’t conventionally attractive

No Kratos from God of war? 

Ethan Mars/Ethan Thomas

Ah yes, the piss filter era as well.

I don’t even think Niko was middle aged, it’s just Russian living made him look like that.

Where’s Arthur Morgan ?

Where harry dubois

Could have replaced Nico with Michael.


Sad Murder Dad.

Add Adam Jensen

What game is the top left?

Or just men? I think that’s the narrative, right?

Cool, manly men are always depressed and ready use violence to get even.

Isn’t that technically Fallout 4 as well

Don’t forget about disco elysium


Isn’t Niko in his early 30’s?

Snake was NOT middle-aged in MGS4. He had fully aged into an OLD man, ‘cos of his programmed genes. He’s biologically older than all the other three in the pic, and by a lot.

I loved playing Heavy Rain listening to Nickelback to fully experience the divorced dad lore

When i first played as niko, i wanted him to be younger so he could be more relatable. Now niko looks my age.

I nominate Sebastian Castellanos from the Evil Within series. Man lost both his daughter and wife then goes through the most horrifying experiences imaginable

Old Snake is well past middle age. He’s in his late 60s or early 70s and is basically dying.

Golden age of sepia piss filter

Heavy Rain tho… “Jaaaaason! Jason?’

Kiryu kazuma fits this description perfectly.

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