Please don’t go in the pits with steel toes on

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Kicking someone outside the pit in the head with steel toes should be an open invitation to getting stomped the fuck out

Bruh, that fucking sucks. Hopefully they get better soon

Wishing this dude a speedy recovery, he seems like a trooper. According to the IG post about him he said it was his favorite show.

Sorry some loser manchild with pituitary issues hurt yr partner.
Cue a gaggle of dusty 20-something dorks with impulse control issues declaring this to be “what hc is all about”.

Maybe I’m just getting older but the injury culture of hardcore pits are ass. Only time I smile about it anymore is when someone gets laid out in retaliation. But, I just stand in the back nowadays and don’t put myself in the position to be involved.

Man, that sucks. Both times my head got split open, I wasn’t trying to mosh but I was on the sides close to the stage. I enjoy the shows from the back now. I’m to old for these flying windmill Tasmanian devils.

This is not what hardcore is about. I’m so sorry this happened.

If I know I’m gonna be moshing hard I don’t wear my boots. Get well soon ❤️

You wanna wear steelies to a show, go ahead, but keep your feet down and on the floor. Fucking madness!

I hope your partner makes a swift recovery. I think I speak for largely everyone here when I say we wish him all the best.

Geez, and I thought it was bad when my earring was ripped out by a steel toed kick to the head. Hope he recovers asap

Agreed. I know people always say they want hc more violent, but nah Steel toes are a hard no. Especially if they’re gonna stage dive.

No one wears steel toes into a pit for any other reason, but to hurt people, they are concealed weapons

Crocs should be the mandatory official shoe of the moshpit.
With the strap on obviously.

If the dude that kicked him in the head is here

Fuck you

People can fly about all they want in my eyes but if someone gets medically injured is where I draw the line, thankfully most of the shows I’ve gone to in recent years people and bands have been good about that kind of thing happening

If I got my work boots on I stay out of the pit. That’s like swinging a hammer at someone.

If you’re rocking stealies and you’re jumping on heads…’re a piece of shit.

jesus fucking christ. he had to have literal brain surgery from a hardcore show. that’s not what this scene is about. i’m so sorry this happened, you’re both in my thoughts.

Cant wait to read unempathethic comments here or in some other thread about how “that’s just the culture and everyone against it is just a pussy” like fucking cavepeople. Yea it’s the culture until you catch a steel toes boot to the head.

Being at a concert is not consenting to be assaulted. That’s nonsense. Being in the pit you know you will get pushed around and accidentally hits are unavoidable but purposeful hits are enough to justify retaliation. I garuntee if you asked everyone at the show if they are consenting to being purposefully assaulted the majority would tell you “hell no”.

I hope you are able to identify who did it and press charges. Who knows how many people they have already hurt or will hurt if they never face consequences. You shouldn’t be stuck with the hospital bill or the injuries, and I think people shouldn’t throw purposeful kicks and elbows unless they are willing to pay hospital bills.

Aw man, praying for a speedy recovery.

Crowd killing has always been loser shit for fake tough guys.

Steel toes at shows just means they’re bitch made for their soft ass feet. Sorry y’all have to go through this.

As someone who is outside the hardcore scene and has, at best, dabbled in hardcore shows, I’ve never understood the way the scene generally fetishizes getting hurt at concerts.

Maybe it’s because I’m not 19 anymore, but I just cannot see the advantage in going to shows where dipshits will randomly run into people and throw a few punches without cause or warning.

I understand kids think it’s awesome to tear up their knee or get KO’d at a show, but being older, all I can think of is lost income and all of the fucked up things that can happen when you’re stacking up medical bills.

Macho hardcore culture sucks

I never understood the appeal of simulated violence at shows, but I get that that’s just how people dance to this music. But things like crowd killing or targeted kicks or punches on other people are lame as shit.

been in a similar situation from steel toes aswell. glad to see he is doing well in recovery. if he’s anything like me ts is not gonna stop him from going to crazy shows but i think everyone agrees that steel toes is a fucking no go.

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