Please….Just please stop

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Ok but heres
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Redditors thinking they are so clever doing this thing.

I will not stop because that joke is FANTASTIC.

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I would stop but here’s the thing
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See, I WOULD shut up, but here’s The Thing

First time on reddit? Beating a joke to death is kinda their thing.

Not gonna lie, I laugh every time I see this meme.

Okay, I get what you’re saying, but here’s the Thing you don’t realize
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I understand your sentiment and I agree… But here’s the thing

We would but here’s the thing….

Idc I find that joke funny everytime I see it

Acting like things have ben grim recently. It’s been fantastic four the community really. They’ve been on fire, and to say that the jokes will disappear is a stretch

I agree. It’s getting really annoying. It’s just the same joke over and over. It’s not even funny anymore. Although, here’s the thing
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honestly i’m disappointed by the lack of “HEEEEEEEEERE’S JOHNNY”

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I guess you want the jokes to disappear…

I too cannot stand recycled jokes

They all get so many up votes too. Maybe I’m crazy, but it was cringe-unfunny the first time I saw it and it’s shocking to me how apparently every marvel fan apparently thinks it’s funny forever

It’s thinging time

The Thing jokes have gotten on my nerves much more than the fantastic memes, ig it’s because the thing memes are somehow even lazier than just saying the word “fantastic”

The other line I’ve really been hating from the launch of the last of the F4 is “Say that again.” Was funny the first couple times but is really annoying now to see everywhere.

It was never funny

we have to teach the new generation

yeah it was funny the first few times but now it makes me want to solo ult myself

This is how I feel as a groot player every time he opens his mouth.

Look, things have ben Grimm, so here’s the thing

It’s so funny corny. Shit stopped being funny after a week

hahaha deadass

I hate this meme, but heres the thing

redditors having the most annoying sense of humor who woulda thunk

It’s all the people who think they’re being original that gets me.

I’ve been saying that for a while, but no one listens to me.

What am I, invisible?

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