Please send Matt gaetz to cell block one

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Somebody needs to tell Gaetz “the regime” is now completely run by Republicans.

Matt really be out here turning every tweet into self-report season.

Certified Republican, Certified Pedophile

Lamar wore a necklace just for matt

Release the Epstein files when?

The regime? Matt’s daddy is the regime.

It’s a school night, so Matt’s a little grumpy his girlfriend can’t sleep over

What regime? What is he talking about! 🤦🏻‍♂️

The fuck does he mean the regime. They’re the regime.

If Gaetz ever goes to prison, he’ll be getting some of those gains from fellow black prisoners.

I’m sorry is this Matt Gaetz, the pedophile that slept with underage girls for money, the pedophile Matt Gaetz, is that right?


Gaetz and Drake use Venmo to pay for minor purchases

What is even talking about ? Weirdo

Halftime show must have hit a soft spot

I see Matt is out and about again. How time slips away, it wasn’t a month or so ago that he was accused of having sex with underage girls. I guess he thinks it’s safe to come out of the basement by now. He thinks we forgot. Foolish man, we’re not going to forget you and your crimes. Keep dreaming about being Govenor of Florida if that helps you get through the nights. Dreaming is one thing and being governor is something else totally.

wop wop wop wop wop fuck ’em up
wop wop wop wop Ima do my stuff

This is not the first time Greatz got so worked up over “A Minor”

Crazy how all these right-wing pedos are coming out and saying they hated Kendrick Lamar’s performance. I wonder why that is?

Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor.

lol “the regime”. You fucking won a trifecta, get some new material.

mr. gaetz please stop bringing politics into my super bowl halftime show

I heard Gaetz’s favorite musical note is A minorrrrrr

Probably a Minorrrrr

Sometimes you can just tweet out:


You’ll be much more liked than whatever this crazy tweet is trying to convey.

What effing regime is he referring to???….the one that he is a part of???!!


Is he calling the current administration a regime?

Who the fuck uses the word regime as a good thing?!

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me lmao!!!!!! You heard it folks, Kendrick Lamar, ole Kung Fu Kenny himself is part of the deepstate!!!!!!!!! The fuck kind of Oompa Loompa land are we fucking living in lmao.

P.S. I remember Deepstate Lamar’s breakout single “M.A.A.D city” like it was yesterday… if liberals and GOPs all got along, they’d probably fun me down at the end of this song. Seems like the whole country go against me, every time I’m in the street I hear “MAGA MAGA MAGA”

Ostracized by most if not all, this sad little forehead with a human body still desperately refuses to let go of trump’s dick from his mouth.

Said by a guy who couldn’t take a job because of history trafficking Children

Does he know what regime means?

*A Minor*

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