Plenty of people booed Trump at the Super Bowl they had to edit it out for the broadcast.

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Trump heard it, even if TV viewers didn’t.

funny the clock app took it down already … but dont worry they havent been taken over or anything … nothing to see here 🙁

UK version heard the boos.

He has a frighteningly fragile ego. 
Fucking “won” the election but is still suing 60 Minutes. 

When the boos are louder than the halftime show, but the network’s got that ‘technical difficulty’ magic.

As the video has been removed, the only thing that comes to mind is governmental censorship. Especially since the original footage was edited out of the broadcast. I don’t think “America” realized what they did by voting for Trump yet.

They also lowered volume on Kendrick’s mic and removed end racism from endzone. Make America white again I guess. Fucking losers.

I’m glad Shitler got booed.

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You don’t have to do that at all. When you’re editing out the public reaction to a public figure it’s pro-authoritarian.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its gone!

LMAO the vid got deleted on TIKTOK

People that were there are reporting he did NOT get booed.

Fyi Every person there was a member of the 1%…

No sir, they are screaming BuUrns!

This president got booed, the wave is just starting.

While I sincerely hope Trump was booed — I thought it was a live broadcast. How could they edit it, except maybe by cutting to commercial or something like that?

Effective in March, I am signing an executive that will persecute people Booing at sporting events. We love our players don’t want them to be bullied by those liberal lunatics

All my coworkers are saying he got cheered.. we literally live in two different worlds 

Did people actually think FOX would broadcast people booing that clown? They definitely had the fake crowd cheers soundbite ready to go.

Not optimism, my dudes.

Yeahh. I actually watched the game. I didn’t hear anyone booing at all. It just sounds like it in this clip because guy is trying to drown everyone out. 🤷 If you want to hear boos, go to the part when they show Taylor Swift.

The video quite literally shows everyone clapping. Have you ever seen anyone clap and boo at the same time? 🤷😂

Video currently unavailable……..

Well now that’s interesting 

Wow. “Video unavailable “

Echo chamber app is echoing!

It sounded like one dude booed. C’mon.

This doesn’t feel very optimistic

Editing out the boos? That’s some next-level ‘fake news’ production. What’s next, CGI cheers?

This post is misinformation

Oh look another sub devolving into a circlejerk

Uhhh people was cheering for him

I was there, there were a whole lot of boos. Surprised when my friend said he only heard cheers watching live. They also only showed him for a split second on the jumbotron because my guess is that he was getting booed too much.

I would like to note the difference the QBs of each teams response to an interviewer asking how they felt about trump attending (asked this past week).

Patrick Mahomes said that “it was always an honor to play in front of a sitting president” (also trump endorsed Kansas City as his choice of winner) while Jalen Hurts said that it was “his choice and he could do what he wanted.” I’m paraphrasing here, but it was very clear who dislikes trump, and I doubt the eagles will visit the white house when invited (they didn’t go in 2018 when they won the Superbowl).

The one guy recording? Lol

He’s gonna be used to getting booed, he doesn’t care about the people, give a damn what peoples opinions are of him or what he does. It’s too late, you’ve let him in now !

This is actually fake though…like actually lol..

This sub should be changed to haters unite. All i’ve seen from this sub is either hating on trump, republicans or any sort of person that backs anything Trump. I get it people don’t like him but why name the sub Optimists if it’s just constant hating?

I was there. This isn’t true lolol. Trump had a raucous applause!

You spelled Taylor Swift wrong

This is just another politics sub

Sure. Liberals will be libtards as usual, nothing new here.

My brother in law was there. This is false.

I don’t think I need to say it but the fact that the booing was edited out of the broadcast in extremely disturbing in itself.

“Video currently unavailable” if course it’d be deleted….

Between this and his gravity defying approval rating which id bet my children’s live on is bullshit, something nefarious is going on. A clear media takeover appeasement campaign

Weird. That’s a little too North Korea-e. Wake up Americans, quickly please..

Why censor it? Would the censor booing somebody else? This is like fucking North Korea shit

They where yelling “Boo urns, Boo urns”

Seems like a lot more cheers than boos.

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