Pls don’t nerf my ability to freely express myself

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Reporting this. how the hell did you even find my picture

No worries, it’s a bot.

Umm i have 10 three of them arent visible and 6 are peoples wich found in the war robots sub

May be he want you to free express yourself

I have 5 and this is exactly how I act each time

1 follower is scarier than 1000

Me with 60 followers 🗿

I have 28 followers

Said every man ever

9/10 it’s an only fan bot

I have 7, 3 are not visible, 3 have nothing, and one has one post about a Simpsons porn comic… I promise I haven’t even watched the regular show.

Lol idk who my follower is I have only been here for less than a month

I got a few followers but I believe most of them hate me and are possibly investigating me. I preach freedom so im a terrorist.

My dearest condolences fellow redditor. Trust me I am familiar with this phenomenom.

Suspicious AF! Like when and how did I make you mad?

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