Police Called on Striking workers in Pittsburgh

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Again, fulfilling their original purpose of defending the rich and their property.

Obligatory reminder that police are class traitors. They are the attack dogs of the elite. 

Police unions are NOT unions and officers DO NOT care about you or your family. 

Dragging workers to jail, denying their freedom is the ultimate scab play.

Edited to add:  https://workerorganizing.org/police-unions-6105/

Fuck Starbucks, ACAB.

Fighting for better working conditions started out as a much more literal phrase. The fact it seems to be becoming one again is gonna be seen historically as one of our biggest failures as a species. We shouldn’t have to face literal violence for resisting subhuman treatment. Another reason not to bet on humanity.

Wait, is not working now an arrestable offence or did the Starbucks trespass them and they were arrested for refusing to leave?

To Protect and Serve…capital.

“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army. You know what I mean?” -Brennan Lee Mulligan

Edit; quotee added

This the view of the felon in chiefs America. It’s a police state now.

Striking never came around peacefully, many working class people had to die for that to become normal.

In Italy (post WW1), when workers occupied their work places and farmers also started protesting, blackshirts (fascists) started beating them up and suppressing them with violence, forcing them to drink Castor oil etc..

The police ignored such violence, it became normalized and that’s how you end up with fascism.

Don’t let past fights be in vain.

Longtime union member here, veteran of numerous successful strikes; you never strike on company property. You strike in front of the business with your signs and hand out your literature. You remind people who cross the line not to scab because you’re striking for them too. And you get your message to the general public

For a nation that claims to love freedom so much, there sure is a lot of stuff you’re not allowed to do there…

Your daily reminder that Police is a government department that exists to protect the ruling class. Also, ACAB.


Ok , so I’m a union member and I help unionize my company so it’s very hard to fight union busting without the national labor relations bureau!

Nobody wrote a song called “fuck the fire department”. Just saying…

The baristas, current and former, staged a sit in and were arrested by the cops. Meanwhile, Starbucks pays their CEO Brian Niccol $800,000 a day. And a private jet to commute from out of state. SMMFH

It looks like the situation require more radical actions.


Since the cops are so anti-union, maybe their union should be forcefully disbanded, and they can just have the same pay and benefits that Starbucks employees get.

When people say ACAB, this is what they mean

Stupid traitors don’t realize that once the rich are done using cops, the cops go to the meat grinder next.

I’m surprised cops aren’t required to wear knee pads at all times.

I don’t go to Starbucks anymore BECAUSE of this..

I remember when a manager withhold my paycheck and police said we can’t do nothing.

Oohhhh but when I took some stuff from the company to
Recover the money, they we’re there.

If it isn’t clear, the police are here to protect CAPITAL, not the people.

Someone else to boycott

And that’s why we boycott Starbucks

Class traitors 

Like the NWA said: Fuck the police

Remember folks, history shows that companies have literally hired police/mercenaries to slaughter strikers. Police are not here to protect and serve, only to protect capital.

I’m confused about them being escorted out of Starbucks… what were they doing inside during a strike? You’re supposed to show up outside the place of work and picket outside. Going inside is grounds for trespass.

I don’t go to Starbucks. Too expensive.

Fuck class traitors. ACAB.

The trumpets love their authoritarian nanny state making sure they keep they libs in line. Corporations have to keep increasing profit, fuck your humanity is their motto.

Police protect property not people

Is there any news source reporting on this?

Starbucks can eat my ass now and into eternity

They Serve and protect the robber barons

tbf im sure the former employees were asked to leave. once they refused then it becomes trespass. now if they were outside or maybe there organizing…i would def be pissed…

Other than that, the workers/citizens did their job of civil disobedience and the police did theirs

So for trespassing.. not striking.. right?


Police are like the HR people of the government, they say they’re on your side but really they’re watching out for the company.

Abuse of power and waste of tax dollars. If these strikers aren’t destroying anything or harming anyone, let them be.

You’re not allowed to strike, protest, or dissent anymore.

To protect and serve – corporations.

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