Police in Turkey tries to stop a pride parade with water cannons, and accidentally creates a rainbow

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Sometimes things backfire in the most unexpected ways. Guess this was a win for the parade!

There is a tender out for companies in the US post Trump inauguration to create a water cannon that can disperse gay crowds without making the gay symbol. It’s currently sitting at 0 submissions.

I dunno boys, that seems like a pretty gay way to break up a pride parade….
Bet the dude spraying the crowd was wearing a tight little military uniform too.

Accidental allies

They mist as well just admit that it was a sign from god

This is the kinda sign you’d see in ancient wars as you’re losing. Someone points out the sign from the gods, you get goosebumps down your spine as you look up , and slowly do your brethren. And you scream with renewed vigour, not caring about losing anymore. 


Good work boys ! We need to see more of that.

God’s gone woke 😞

I believe that is a *double* rainbow


You see, it happens when the water bounces off Pride folks. And now it will get into the Turkish water supply.

“Oh no! A rainbow! Now we’re all gay!”

I thought it was a secular country


Woke democrat weather machine controllers are at it again!

You had one job 😐

If I was Christian I would say this is a sign from God and on TikTok I do. You should see all the people in my replies really butthurt about this kind of stuff. It’s really fun you guys should try it.


If that’s not a sign I don’t know what is. Love is love

So now LGBTQ have copyright on rainbow?


I remember when a rainbow was just a rainbow, miss that.


The slimiest people get the last laugh

Lets make it less gay………………………

Should’ve used flamethrowers


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