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Shouldā€™ve added a big crucifix necklace on her. I canā€™t stand my religious family openly doing the opposite of what they claim their faith is.

Are there really magas that are friends with trans people?

The fact that so many people want to see politics as some bothersome, tedious topic of conversation to avoid entirely rather than actual language and metrics we use to express and exercise the values and beliefs that are centrally important to us is EXACTLY why the world is on fire right now.

Politics for ordinary folks are SUPPOSED to be about civic engagement: Knowing what your rights are, who needs help, and how to provide it. It’s not supposed to be about arguing and screaming with people.

I really appreciate how vocal youā€™re being, you have so much reach.

Please donā€™t stop, your messages matter ā¤ļø

Sometimes the knife is in the back if youā€™re not expecting it tbh.

Four years ago showed that to me.

Still be friends, whilst taking away rights. Accurate that knife isn’t in the back because they are so blatant about it.

By calling this “just politics” they’re putting how removed they are from the problems they cause on full display

It’s always the people with the absolute worst political opinions saying that.

No, we cannot be friends if you believe certain people shouldn’t have rights

“Cool, will you visit me at the conversion camp then?”

Swear the dumbasses that think like this… ‘yeah look I don’t agree that you should legally exist but we can still hangout together’. Politics can differ but when it’s a fucking human right to exist there is no wiggle room… that is just a morality hard point.

“You insist to exist, I want you not to. Just politics, hun. Nothing personal.”

Said in the most punchable tone imaginable, of course.

You can just change the trans flag with the American flag and this still works.

There is so much I wish I could say to the Maga people who had previously had positive impacts in my life, but the pain of their betrayal makes it difficult to even describe how I feel.

I love your comics. Please keep doing what you do. šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø

Seriously. My boss is a mega Maga (restaurant manager) and he whines quite a bit how non-trump supporters are “mean” to him.

Yes we are still just two people doing their best in this crazy world, and you happen to want to strip others of their rights to do their best in this crazy world.

I guess we’ll be friends until you’re pointing out where we live to the secret police, right?

This wouldn’t have happened if leftist extremist didn’t politicize being trans by fighting for their rights to exist in society like any other person.

Love your comics!! Thanks for posting

We can disagree on how much the tax rates are or trade policy and still be friends. We cannot disagree on people’s basic humanity and be friends.


I have experienced what unfortunately, many Americans have experienced and know for a fact.

What MAGA and it’s cult leader don’t understand, and will never understand is…..

It’s TOO LATE. šŸ’”

It’s too late now that they have completely fallen down the rabbit hole.

It’s too late now that they have chosen the Tangerine tyrant over their own flesh and blood.

It’s too late now that they keep burning bridges with their former allies.

This half of the country have not only become irredeemable in front of the other half of the country, but actually in front of the ENTIRE WORLD.

And breaking of trust isn’t the only atrocity they have committed.

MAGA, history / the future will teach you a lesson like non other.

Good people of America and Canada? Stay strong. Hang in there. šŸ’›ā¤ļø

WTF didn’t I see this yesterday???? I’m very confused how is this a new post?


Day 1 of asking for comic that either condemns or praises cannibalism.

Shouldn’t that knife be in the back?

I only want your rights stripped away Iā€™m sure we can find a compromise that I like.
-MAGA probably.


Ehhhh… you can be friends with people on the opposite side of the political spectrum as long as:

1. You can find something that unifies both people (i.e. common interest that they both have)

2. Politics DO NOT come up in any part of the conversations between people. Like religion, politics can be deeply personal.

3. Both people can simply accept the other as they are and NOT push their beliefs on to others.

Unfortunately, you’ll likely find that very few and far between.

I don’t see the problem at least you know your friend is armed and you get a cool scar to talk about

Politics on my wholesome subreddit?

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