PoliticsYou can disagree with an opinion, but the math never lies

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Charlie doesn’t seem to have a grasp on how taxes work lmao

why is it socialism to expect a return on our investment

give us healthcare, you dipshit bootlickers

The tricky part is explaining to everyone how this works. People need to understand how the tax bracket system works. It sounds like a relatively easy thing, but its crazy how many people have absolutely no understanding and still think they can get a raise that “puts them in the next tax bracket” and loses them money…

Ah but here’s what you forgot to account for: if you start your post with “Facts:”, anything you say is automatically true.

Checkmate, atheists.

He’s both. Genuinely stupid and a liar.

The math never lies unless that math is lies

The best part is that even in their flawed logic, the person comes out ahead of where they are now with complete healthcare coverage, all their taxes paid, and $7.20/hr after taxes. I pointed this out on several people’s posts about it on Facebook and got no response. About on par for their reactions.

He doesn’t tell you that with that tax margin you would have free universal health care, no more tied to the employer. Also, I don’t think that is the correct tax value Bernie would implement for ppl making less than that… He wouldn’t do that he would tax the corporation at a much higher right but not families, that’s how socialism works, fuck the man and give it back to the people who need it.

They did the math but not the truth.

Kirk exists for those white guys who are college aged but will never go to college.

I wish people could argue with good faith.

Gqp in a nutshell


Charlie Kirk is one of the biggest bad faith dumbfucks out there-they need to take him, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, dump em all into the bottom of the fuckin ocean.

$7.20 is just 48% of $15, but Maga is dazzled by all the extra math and lies.

How much would Bernie tax the money the Russians gave you ?

Excuse me. Just adding progressive taxation to the list of things Charlie Kirk doesn’t understand.

“lying liars and the lies they tell” is a book by Al Frankin. I don’t know why that just popped into my head.

Whenever it comes to right wing grifters, we work on the inverse of Hanlon’s Razor:

Never assume stupidity of it can be malice.

Assuming they’re stupid is dangerous, it leads to complacency, that’s what they exploit.

Doesn’t it only tax that person’s income over $29,000 at that rate?? So it would be a lower tax on that first $29K…

Sometimes I wish I still had my twitter handle, then I remember I deleted it for my own mental health because of fuckwits like this.

It’s a shame you can’t add all that to Charlie’s original post, seeing as the original post is all most people see.

You think your basic Trump supporter is going to check Charlie Kirk’s math?

They’ll just see a bunch of numbers on the screen and say “Hey this guy is wearing a suit and must know a lot about taxes and numbers because he hates trans people too”

republicans will ALWAYS act in bad faith.

Dishonest grifter. I wouldn’t be surprised if trump appoints him to the dept of labor (before it’s gone).

This post is so old that $15 made sense when it was new but today it would need to be more like $24.

What I really don’t get about taxes – or rather discussions about taxes – is the utter fixation on the amount of tax one pays. The number before tax is rather meaningless. Look at the net salary and evaluate if you find that fair, or enough, or whatever you wanna call it.

Over here in germany my net salary is ~55% of my salary after tax, social security and healthcare. And that net salary is terrific. I can pay my house with it and live pretty comfortable. If my salary rises, so will the percentage of tax (tax brackets). But my net salary will also rise. Not by the same percentage, of course, but rise it will nonetheless.

If I never saw the number before tax and social security, my life would be exactly the same. I guess many people would be way happier, if they never saw that number.

He isn’t that stupid, but his followers are.

Problem is he goes on campuses everywhere with this bullshit and makes people believe his horseshit. It’s so much easier to male up garbage and spread it than to look up actual information. Access to all the information in the world at our fingertips and we are dumber than ever before.

He is just dishonest, and that’s by intent. If he were to use actual *facts*, he doesn’t get the attention he craves by the intentionally ignorant people who do not do these fact checks and just sycophantically swallow every bit of his crap, and then call it tasty as they have their faces covered in the feces-like pabulm he spits up.

And there’s no stopping it because those people *like it that way*. 🙁

It doesn’t matter because the people Charlie posts this for just lap up whatever shit they are fed.

Oh, we know

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