Poor, poor Laura.

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Lmao I LOVE that for her.

Talk about clueless. Someone who makes a living posting hate filled rhetoric, whining about being called out on her hate filled rhetoric.

Laura, babe you are a boil on the ass cheek of hunanity


Keep Bluesky MAGA Free!!!

How the turn tables.

Eh, close-minded people will never understand things like that. Might as well try to teach a slug now to count.

If I saw Laura Loomer in the men’s restroom, I wouldn’t be shocked.

You’ve been banned for how you’ve chosen to exist, not for simply existing. You don’t have to act the way you act, or say the things you say.

“BREAKING” is typically reserved for newsworthy information.

It’s nice of her to advertise for free, and put off those that aren’t welcome anyway at the same time! Double bubble.

You’re an asshole, Laura. Why is it such a surprise? We all see it.

Haw Haw!

Is she going to now chain herself to the bluesky head quarters?

those two aren’t the same thing though

and not the way you think,

Blue Sky is a private company so they can ban or even prematurely prevent people from joining

They can even just have a black list know or unknown. Its their shit they can do what they want with it.

Finally a platform that doesn’t give known bullies the benefit of the doubt. As someone who was bullied all my youth, seeing this is beyond refreshing.

Transphobia ❌

Banning transphobes ✅


Can we have this put on a billboard somewhere near her?

“Clueless” doesn’t even begin to describe that…creature.

Could we ban her *from* existing?

Like in *It’s a Wonderful Life* where we all wish she’d never been born and then we see how awesome the world would be?

Aw…poor..poor Laura 🙁 How’s that irony taste?

Breaking News: Victimizer Self-Victimizes When Private Company Bans Them.

It’s all good and fine until the shit happens to them. Wilhoit’s Law just keeps being proven 100% true

Well done Bluesky that’s why i love it 🫶🫶💪💪

Wait … she isn’t trans?

oh dont worry laura! andrew tate reared his ugly face around there and got banned within MINUTES!

Why won’t anyone invite Eva Braun to their of picnic?!

Damn is this an ad for Blue Sky?

Sick burn!!

Funny. Trumptards now have X to post all of their BS thoughts and beliefs. Why are they running over to Blue sky? We don’t want your trashy bully tactics and beliefs. Stay on X and watch it burn.

“BREAKING”? Really? 

Maybe she can blow her way back in

Why isn’t there a law compelling a private company to give her a public platform???

That’s a bit of a stretch…

The world: Well, have you tried not being a piece of shit?

Loomer: Well, of course not…

The world: Try not being a piece of shit.

Loomer: …

The world: Try?

Loomer: … I can’t do that Jim…

What is the argument here? That treating people that way is ok if what goesaroundcomes around?

I don’t think that is the correct message. 

Why do these idiots USE FUCKING CAPS LIKE 10 YEAR OLDS

I didn’t realize trans folks were banned from BLUE SKY.

if you allow wolves and sheep to the same party, only wolves will come.

Why do those assholes even want to go to bluesky, they already got Twitter and truth social.

Can someone more educated then me explain why free speech is bad and it’s good to censor people

What are “trans folks” banned from?

So clever

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