Poor Resolution

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I must say, less opinionated? In this time and age? It’s like NNN all over again

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Now with Trump this will be a “Mission impossible”.

What is “opinionated”? Having an opinion? Is it a bad thing?

I think you have already failed, better luck next year.

New years resolution:

#Annoy thou’s husband

What does being “less opinionated” even mean? Thinking less?


If it’s said by Mr Boopy, does it still count as your opinion?

time to test the resolution

I shared your SO’s reaction lol

But that is part of your charm!

That’s gonna be a difficult with how thing’s are at the moment, good luck.

So the real resolution was to get your family laughing until they cried? Good job.

What the actual fuck is this

true story?

The facial expressions on this one are just perfect lmao

I read opioïated. Made sens too.

Small steps. One day, one less opinion a day.

Heheh get it guys the joke is a WO-

I agree with most of your opinions, so feel free to continue to be opinionated. /j

When I was younger we considered 13h mode (320×200 with 8 bit for colour) as rather good. Are you talking about CGA-tier of poorness?

Every week, I always say, “Oh, good, another Pizzacake!” Yay.

slap him

I want this kind of marriage

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