Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US

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That is some next level BuyfromEU.

I am still in the process of leaving my Snickers, which is a work in progress.


Trump has put tarrifs on all exports of common sense

Good. Now Germany’s turn (or Poland’s ?).

It’s in Portuguese, but here’s an interview with defense minister where he states the cancellation



Guess I’m shorting lockheed martin tomorrow

Its about time that germany does the same. The main reason to get them – us nuclear weapons – is not very valid any more either. So our 35 Billion Euro should not go to the Orange Man.

Very good, now Germany!

Here’s the original source in Portuguese:


It’s an interview with Portugal’s Minister of Defense. First sensible thing he ever said. Like ever.

Canada needs to do the same.

That is an _expensive_ switch for USA. That is, to quote a certain orange person: ,,Lot’s and lot’s of money.” ,,Millions upon millions of dollars, just wasted. And for what?!?”
You did this one to yourself, USA.

To end on something more positive:
Good job Portugal. I’m proud of you. 🙂

next level boycotting, chapeau!

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Well Portugal I didn’t cheer for you in the last Euro football cup. But go PORTUGAL!!

After macron’s visit, they are probably going to buy Rafales or Gripen

Good, Canada next please. No way we should be accepting delivery of F-35s from a nation hostile to our sovereignty.

Now we portuguese should rent our Azores base (Base das Lages, rented to USA) in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, to China, so Trump can taste the same poison.

Proud of my new country!… 🇨🇦 living in 🇵🇹 ❤️🫶

Proud of our neighbours. I hope we do the same. Greetings from Spain

Thank you Portugal.

Tantrum and some tariff on sardines in 3, 2, 1…

I hope Germany is still able to and will also cancel

Are you going to post the source as well? What’s up with only a screenshot of a Twitter post.


Germany should do the same

The original interview does not talk about canceling any order, just Portugal reconsidering their options. This is the interview is the source of the news; https://www-publico-pt.translate.goog/2025/03/13/politica/entrevista/nuno-melo-afasta-compra-f35-eua-causa-trump-mundo-ja-mudou-2125727?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=nl&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Currently eating a yogurt from Greece to do my part too

Romania too has a contract for 32 of these F35 planes. Still

Donnie boy will get a nice little call from Lockheed Martin.

I wonder if the CEO of lockheed has said ‘thank you’ yet to trump.

Can’t wait for that 200% tariff on Teslas.

Lets go, caralho!

And they are absolutely correct! America is really verging on nuts at this point.

Haha legends!💪

If the MIC loses money, it’s over for Trump

Based if true (something more than a screencap without a source would be appreciated,,)

Portugal never ordered F-35… There is a common understanding that the F-16 we have are becoming obsolete (and some of them were already sold to Romanie), and the replacement must be assured, but no more than that. But of course, with all of Trump’s shenanigans, we’ll have to go a different route.


This a statement that Portugal is not your average Balkans country,Bulgaria is still waiting for the outdated slitly upgraded f16 lmao and they had an offer from Swedish SAAB for lesser price newer model aircraft and greater maintenance,but our shit politicians voted for F’s… FFS

Us Swede have some planes ;););)


Canada next, please!

Canada next?

Wow thanks Biden

Pastel de nata > F-35

Still winning?

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