Potato peeler

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So true. I was the coffee expert and my sister was the salad chef.

I was banned from peeling potatoes in my house when i was young cause i peeled the side of my pinky off

My Dad told me that every time we passed a road sign for a speed camera it would take our photo.

3 kids in the back would scream and make silly faces out the windows when we saw it.

I’m starting to think he was training us to warn him when the cameras were coming up.

My mum used to make me sort the trash, sort the vegetables, sort clothes once they were dry ( decades ago) and she used to say I was the best “sorter” and brag about it to everyone… I realized way too late that I was nothing but slave labor. 8 year old me should have started a revolution.

Your mom really pulled the ultimate 4D chess move, and I respect it. Moms are next-level strategists.

It’s all within keikaku

Mid thirties till you caught on huh….

Damn i must’ve sucked big time because all i got was “get out the kitchen you’re in my way”

Sharing this with my mom
i will update the comment when she calls me the best vacuum cleaner ever

Mothers are very smart LOL

Haha parents are masterminds. They get us to do all the work while making it sound like we’re the best at it. Definitely some next-level parenting!

Well, thanks to your mom, you probably have better potato peeling skills than an ordinary person now

Peak parental conditioners. I called our kid the mini boss to get buy in on ideas that she didn’t like. At least she could choose between the inevitable and the inevitable.

I was a beast at making a coffee according to my brother and friends.

30, those are rookie years

that mid-30s wake up call hits like a ton of spuds. Who knew ‘mastering’ kitchen tasks was just d beginning of the real lesson in life? Well played, mom. ell played

Mothers are born clever.

Your mom played 4D chess while you were just peeling potatoes. Iconic.

I dunno. The validation at the end for all those years? Worth it.

That’s a good mom

reminds me of the sock matching game I played as a kid

I mean maybe you were good at peeling potatoes. How do you know if youve never entered a potatoe peeling competition.

My mum did this with dicing onions. I learnt to do horizontal slices before the vertical slices so that it was diced in school home economics lessons. She always said she couldn’t do it like I could.

Imagine if she told you that you were the best [insert useful skill here].

BUT… what if you were the world’s best potato peeler and your mom was just proud of you?

Pavlovian potato peeler.

it hits you when you have kids of your own and you instinctively start giving them the same assignments you had as a kid

Parenting lifehack

The majority of people want to be useful/needed. This starts as a child and many people ignore or prevent their children from helping because children aren’t good at tasks.

Positive feedback/reinforcement when someone is trying to help is far more important than saving you 15 minutes now or having to redo it. Many people take pride in their work and that often starts with parents who are proud of their children for working/contributing.

Evil Genius

and every year, she was less pleased and more dissapointed.

I was the best bathroom cleaner and vacuumer and sweeper and mopper and duster and dish washer and babysitter…

Nah but fr though positive reinforcement is important. People will do the things they’re good at, even if it’s peeling potatoes, and then they’ll actually become good at it. It’s good practice when you’re teaching someone something new, even when you don’t have nefarious purposes like “getting your kid to help out for once” in mind.

But if you were always peeling the potatoes wouldn’t that make you naturally good at it?

My dad said burned toast was cowboy toast, that’s how the like it. So when it got burned I would ask for the cowboy toast.

Nobody shucks corn or snaps greens beans like me! …. Wait a minute… damnit!

I was the best at bagging groceries. “Must be from all that Tetris,” she’d say.

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