Power and Paradox…

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How the fuck do you get a crooked screenshot

No no, you don’t understand. He is special one and different rules apply for him

Okay but is the tweet crooked or am I tweaking?

This man is a menace to democracy and freedom. He should be banned from North American countries

It is pretty hard to be self-aware on high doses of ketamine

If hypocrisy was an olympic sport this mf would be unbeatable.

Apartheid Clyde bought an entire presidency because of mommy and daddy issues….

This dude unironically quoted Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder….

Tweets from the criminally insane.

Please tell it to the guy you just bought and the guy who bought him..

He is so close yet acts far away. Uncanny, isn’t it?

Edit: A reminder. That is my edit: “A reminder.”.

Said man, desperate for power . . .

follow him for more.

You should listen to your own words

This fucker has to be a meme at this point, right? Like, American political powers are all just some Saturday Night Live skit now? Please? 😐

He’s speaking from experience, I guess

I feel like all of his tweets are plucked directly from a Silicon Valley episode.

He went real deep, this time.

Alas, 310N-MV5K units are not equipped with an irony circuit.

Everything Elon does makes sense when you realize he’s just desperately 24/7 cosplaying what pop media has told him a strong, just, beloved leader and a grizzled man’s man look like.

What a piece of Shit.

this screenshot? fucking sucks

Yeah telling this to someone with that much power is so clever

The least you could do is take a non crooked screenshot.

Its rather that ones deserving power are those wanting it becouse they want to take responsibility to use it for the better, while guys like elon just wants the power for power itself, without responsibility, without consequences. Maybe even without influence just for fame.

Maybe he doesn’t want it. 🤷‍♂️

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