President Biden and his first Great-Grandchild.

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Is he the first president to be a great grandfather while in office?

Fellas in 2100 gonna hear this guy saying that he met Biden

So every hospital in America uses the same pattern with the baby burrito wrap?

I’m happy for Biden. Hope that kid doesn’t grow up on a messed up world.

Did MAGA start a witch hunt for the baby yet?

Has anyone seen the Baby’s laptop history yet?

Congrats to him

My daughter just got to spend her second Christmas with her great-great-grandfather. 95 and down a leg, but he’s still going strong 

Beautiful photo

Beautiful picture

Hope this bb has water in forty years

We should not have politicians old enough to be great-grandparents. Why can’t we have a president under 60?

Unlike Trump’s grandchildren, that baby would be very proud someday.

r/BarbaraWalters4Scale is going to go crazy over this in like 100 years

Stop electing the elderly.

He clearly doesn’t love that grandchild as much as Trump loves his. I know this because Joe’s not looking at the camera, holding that baby with a shit eating grin, and the oh so classy Trump brand thumbs up.

He reminds me of President Carter. A good man.

Kash petal expected to announce DEEP STATE investigation into this illegal immigrant alien mutant clone baby of Bidens. Expected the baby to be deported to gitmo for further investigation!

/s but honestly Kash with his coke addiction could very well do this and I’d be this👌 surprised

“But the baby’s laptop!!!!” – MAGA

What about Navy?

Guarantee the next President has never held a grandchild or even his kids like that. Cannot imagine seeing him have that type of care for another human being.

As Biden gets to see his grandchild’s baby in peace, meanwhile a Palestinian mother can’t even greet her newborn twins without having her apartment bombed by Israeli Nazis, funded and sponsored wholeheartedly by Biden. 

She was murdered along with her twins before her husband could even return with the birth certificates for the newborns. 


Now this is what life is about.

Fantastic! Awwwww

Show me 1 pic with Trump like this.. I’ll wait but won’t hold my breath.

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