President Musk and his puppet

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Musk in this photo… “I bought this. It’s mine. Suck it America.”

I wonder how long Trump is going to be okay being Musk’s bitch.

Didn’t Trump’s first campaign run on the fact he’s so rich he can’t be bought and here we are?

Keep this sort of post coming, Trump will eventually rub him off.

Notice how nobody’s talking about Vance?

People should REALLY start calling him President Musk and maybe Trump will kick him to the curb if he hears it enough. I think his ego is bigger than his need or want for money.

Wonder if Elmo makes Donald dance to Rasputin by Boney-M ?

Crazy that a South African will be running the US of A.

President Musk should be allowed to run amok with zero regulations and zero taxes while his tubby orange First Lady watches tv and golfs. It’s what the American voters wanted.

First Lady Donald Trump

Musk gets to make all the decisions and avoid all the consequences….. are we great yet?

President Musk is doing it all for the good of the people.

Little Kids repeat what they hear.

Dare ya to listen to elons son and not have your jaw drop in shock

Too much ego for one stage. I can’t wait for the inevitable breakup.

Keep saying it, Trump really hates it.

President Musk with First Lady Donald.

Seems like he wants to buy out UK as well. President-Prime minister Musk.


Whose the fat guy that looks defeated on the left? Is this Elon’s VP?

President Musk and his puppet! Love it. Trump is such a bitch.

Will someone please photoshop the sign to say

JD Vance on the chair in the corner edging.

And his First Lady

Trump is his bitch

Imagine how great the USA could be if they had leaders of integrity and sound mind.

Wouldn’t it be funny if thousands of Americans sent empty envelopes addressed to “President Elon Musk” at MarALago? I’m not suggesting you do it but wouldn’t it be funny? 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, United States

if you can’t get elected yourself just buy it

Not a puppet – a spokesmodel – yes a generally out of shape, old, and unattractive spokesmodel – who admittedly goes for the tacky bleached-blond look while wearing way too much cheap makeup – along with ill-fitting outfits – but Donnella is a proud, professional spokesmodel, a tired veteran of many questionable sales campaigns – but regardless, they are a professional spokesmodel nonetheless – and definitely not a simple puppet.

Both putins puppets

Good to see Ms trump standing respectfully behind President Musk

Funny how we haven’t seen a lick of Vance since Musk’s win.

And yet Vance hasn’t been seen in God knows how long

I saw a Tesla with a bumper sticker “I bought this before we found out Elon Musk is an idiot”

I hope Trump feels ashamed at how much attention Leon is getting. There’s nothing like feeling that burn of the spotlight…from the shadows.

I’ll give this relationship 6 months tops

Musk has Daddy issues


Musk got hair plugs but I’m begging him to get beard plugs. Cannot grow a beard to save his life shave those 3 hairs son

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