President (standing)and spokesperson(sitting) during EO event

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honestly the most shocking thing about these recent events is Trump giving Elon this amount of power and attention. I would have thought the narcissist in Trump would never have allowed him to share the limelight.

Now imagine George Soros behind Biden in this scenario. Conservatives respond only:

Why does a civilian citizen get to stand and address the nation like this?

Musk: Bring Out the Gimp.

Hegseth: The Gimp’s sleepin’.

Musk: Well, I guess you are going to have to wake him up.

Elon Musk must have something on Trump. Trump’s ego is way too big for him to just sit by and let this happen.

Never saw this type of “democracy”.

Maybe they should let him drive a golf cart around the oval office. That’s how he spends 80% of his life anyway.

Head cuck chair.

Can we please address the fact that his outfit literally looks like a fucking Imperial Officer from Star Wars?? Like cmon man.

It’s nice that the president gave up his seat so the first lady could sit and talk. I may think he is an ass but at least he has SOME manners

Musk saw how easily Putin owned Trump during his Trump’s first term and thought to himself “I will do that in Trump’s second term”.

Musk and his creature.


Ahhh. President Musk and his First Lady Trump.

The picture is the point. Elon Musk and JD Vance and Thiel and Yarvin believe it is no longer the people’s country. They believe that it is now their country, and that the work that needs to be done is quickly and systematically dismantling the democracy, the Constitution, the government that works for the people. In their view, the government’s role is to serve the needs of the tech oligarchy. Yelling in outrage is of course needed, but they are confident it won’t be enough, and they may be right.

Furthermore, I believe that the aged, elected leader will soon be replaced in a swift stroke with a younger, unelected leader. In that effort, the real battle will be between Vance and Musk. I don’t think Americans have the foggiest idea what to do with that strategy.

He’s just a “PINO”.

Baby Kevlar even told him to leave because he wasn’t the president.

trump needs a collar and musk needs a leash

I’m getting more of a Théoden / Wormtongue vibe, personally

What a f*cking embarrassment in the Oval Office.

Remids me of Yuri and Romanov in Red Alert 2

Il Duce and Donald.

I don’t quite get why people put the upper hand in that dynamic into Elon’s hands. It feels to me like a guy trying to buy actual power with money and he behaves like it too.

Is that Rasputin?

If the term shadow government was a picture

Elon is crossing his arms firmly, to avoid doing an unintentional roman salute twice.

You left out the soon to be first kid to inherit the presidents position after Elon replaces trump 😆

Now. I hate trump more than words can describe. The day he’s gone will be a celebration. Having said that, he is the president, and to have a citizen who is not in government, is not an elected official, interrupt the _President of the United States_ and stand behind his desk to address the American public is _fucking insanity_. Motherfucker has a fucking baseball cap on in the oval office. My god the right would lose their shit if Biden ever pulled some crap like this with some random dude. I feel like I’m in a car with no brakes and there’s nothing I can do but watch in horror.

Palpatine and Vader vibes

**Main bad guy always standing behind puppet bad guy.**

How many times have we seen this shit onscreen and thought it was stupid obvious? Well there it is.

IM DARK MAGA….seriously, fuck everyone who put this shit into office. Fuck you

It’s weird that they had a cuck chair installed in the Oval Office.

elon owns trump… i cant even begin to imagine the amount of dirt he has on him and others.

I love that all the criticism on trump is useless so they think going after Musk matters

Trump is the puppet, musk is the puppeteer

Please stop posting this picture over an over again!

Did putin loan the p tape to musk?

Spokesperson (shitting)

Hands down one of the most embarrassing moments in modern history. No matter what you think of one or the other, this was just a punk’d moment in the Oval Office, on film.

President Musk needs to fire the dummy sitting down, he is nothing but a temperamental obstructionist and not doing his job.

What do these weirdly pointed titles actually do other than promoting engagement and circle jerking lmfao.

“I hope trump sees that we’re calling Elon president on Reddit. I’m really making a difference here” 🤣

You guys are so stupid, believing others that trump is a power hungry tyrant AND that he is a puppet with no control

How about that… an administration that actually communicates to the people. Love it. ❤️

Nappy time for wittle dick-taters.

Éminence grise.

First there was Bannon and now Elmo. Dude who got elected cannot have a singular thought for himself. Just a puppet with an empty head and no soul.

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