President Trump has FIRED all federal prosecutors appointed by Biden.

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Not a word of dissent from the cowards from the GOP party. So has egg prices gone down yet ..Hows your healthcare or housing problem..Resolved yet. What about Gaza and Ukraine has the war ended?.

Trump is itching for civil war to suspend the constitution 


Insurrectionists and 34 count felons aren’t fans of law enforcement.

This guy is so boring only time I want to hear about him will be in the obituary pages

I would expect nothing less from a man that wears a diaper.

Illegally firing all these legal experts totally won’t blow up in the govts face. These guys totally won’t sue.

It’s not surprising.

He wants judges that support his intentions.

Unbiased judges will rule against him.

Incompetence surrounds itself with yes men.

Intelligence desires challenges.

It sharpens you.

Illegally. So apparently he didn’t actually fire them

That’s actually very normal when administrations change.

Trump is itching for civil war to suspend the constitution 

Why is this sub getting astroturfed hard by obvious bots

Mental acuity and emotional maturity of a high school teenager. 

Duh… let me guess your gonna tell me next it gets dark out when the sun goes down lol

I really don’t get why people are surprised. He SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO THIS..

This is the very picture of a mental, emotional, and emotional weakling.

It’s getting too late guys.

Do something.

Another tick on my bingo card. People over there still gaslighting us, acting like this isn’t literally like 1930s Germany. History repeating itself word for word… How anyone still has any hope in humanity I don’t know…

Goodbye American hello trumpland

Dictatorship in the making 😉

The time to stand up for their rights is quickly slipping by the Americans.

Democratic leader should learn from this, gone are the days of civility and moral. When you get, one has to use it because they voted for want to. The current D party has to evolve before the nation becomes a single party state.

Are you talking about the US Attorneys? Because the US Attorneys turn over after every administration. They are political appointees. This is not news.

The only difference is that most US Attorneys choose to quit when the new admin arrives. For Trump 45 and 47, they waited to get fired so that they could make another headline

It’s not unprecedented. I believe Clinton did the same thing back in the 90s.

Yep, easy to find.

“Janet Reno began her tenure as President Bill Clinton’s attorney general in March ’93 by firing US attorneys for 93 of the 94 federal districts.”

Of course he did. He said he would. JFC

US Attorneys are political appointees. This happens just about every change of administration.

I wish he would just ☠️

Pettiness is not a desirable trait in a leader. It shows insecurity, weak morality and questionable intelligence.

My eggs cheaper yet?

The takeover nearly complete. Trump controls everything from the military, the judiciary, the executive, legislative, elections, law enforcement.. ect
Most Americans still are not aware because he’s slowly taking more every day and they’re in denial that it could happen here. We are no longer a democracy. This was predicted but few listened.

The moment biden was sworn in he should have ordered trumps arrest for j6, most Republicans had even soured on him then. Instead Biden wanted to play nice with a psychopathic desperate man with no morals who would throw his own mother under a bus to get what he wants. I warned of this in 2021 and called a troll here and paranoid, most saying trump was gone for good.

Now only we can stop him because nobody else will. The democrats we’ve elected are completely useless. We Need to organize mass protests and chip away at his base by getting facts out, they never hear facts in their bubble, it’s up to us. We must keep talking about inflation, cost of groceries, how trump is deported fewer than biden did, and how his billionaire tax cut only helps the super wealthy while we lose benefits, possibly even healthcare and social security

The most corrupt administration in the history of our country and it ain’t even close

Firing them cuz they investagated him legitmately, no bias my fucking ass…..


“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. But clearly, you want all the shit you can’t afford.” – (not) Epictetus

Because this doesn’t scream corruption and fascism

It happens every change in presidents, you morons. Even if the same party wins. The new guy always wants his ‘own’ people to fill the vacancies.

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