President Trump just called on Gavin Newsom to resign as Governor of California.

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All these people that have lost their homes & everyone that’s caught in this mess are just looking for someone to blame & trump is pouring gas on the fire. The mayor of los Angeles is absolutely getting thrown under the bus for cutting funding to the fire departments to give to the police. It’s not like this is the first time this has happened,it happens every fuckin year where these fires break out and they can’t be controlled and families end up losing their homes and now insurance companies have started pulling out of certain areas in California over homes built in wildfire prone areas. What a fucking mess this is ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

Honestly, i’d be more pissed at whoever had the gender reveal.

Since when does DJT think that California is one of the best parts of the United States of America?

Also, is it New-scum or News-cum? lol

Hasn’t he just spent 8 years shitting on L.A and now suddenly it’s one of the best places.

How the fuck did anyone get conned by this piece of shit.

He should have personally raked the woods and reversed climate change! Cum On!

I’m going to miss having a president that spells people’s names correctly out of respect

I’m sorry, are we now blaming the liberals for fucking wildfires?

He didnt do what donnie told him to do to prevent forest fires and vacuum the forest floors

Of course he did. He wants all dem leadership to resign. It’s not about America.

11 days people, 11 days.

Iโ€™m personally dying to know what kind of management is responsible for 60+ mph Santa Ana winds and extreme dry weather tearing through valleys making the use of any water barely effective and the use of air power totally impossible. Yeah Iโ€™ll wait.

Certainly not that fake science climate change they are all denying driving more of these extreme events. Nope canโ€™t be that no siree bob. Nothing to see here, ohh look hunter Bidenโ€™s laptop !!!


Can guarantee if it was a republican governer or state he wouldnt call for the governorโ€™s resignation and it being all their fault

Heโ€™s not even in office and my blood is already boiling. He stick his rakes where the sun donโ€™t shine.

And we haven’t even hit bottom yet

Can’t wait

California would do so much better being free from the rest of the US

Makes sense. After all, Trump blamed DeSantis & Republicans for Florida hurricanes, right? He did do that, right?????

As a California, weโ€™re happy to leave and join Canada.

gavin news cum lol

Calfornia is a bit like the State of Victoria in Australia. If you are rich it’s amazing. Homelessness is an issue, so many immigrants living under bushes. Middle class being hollowed out and leaving.

One big similarity is the issue of regular fires. That is – a complete botch job of fire prevention.
I feel sorry for the victims, but most of the rich Elite voted for Newsom and his environmental policies.

I guess they should have raked the forests like dumbass DonOld told them to..

But, what does President Musk think of this situation?

We already know what Trump did…

[Trump Refused Aid for California Wildfires Until He Was Showed How Many of His Voters Lived There.](

I remember when Trump wanted to cut funding for fire prevention in all the national parks

Can ashes resign?

Literal Reddit loser mindset is nothing could have been done.

This is California the worldโ€™s 4th largest economy. A lot could have been fucking done to mitigate the damage. I live in California DJT is right here.

Our mayor was doing fuck all in Ghana. Just like Ted Cruz was doing fuck all in the Bahamas when Texas had the cold freeze.

Get off the democratic bandwagon nuts and start placing blame on politicians.

Why shouldnt he???

Trump is not wrongโ€ฆ

If it was in a red state Reddit would be skewering republicans for this lol this platform is such dog shit

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