Presidential candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu, who was detained in Türkiye, was arrested.

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Well, this is unprecedented, even by Turkish standards. It was expected, yes, but the public outcry will be something else.

I’d say I can’t believe how badly Erdoğan and AKP messed up, but they have been insanely incompetent these past few years, so…

Now it is either open rebellion or straight out dictatorship, for Turkey there are no other options now. It will be a difficult time for Turkish people. My heart aches for my people. I wish I could be there now.

Young people of Turkey is its biggest treasure. o youth! may you come out victorious from this fight!

Terrible news. And the EU is still silent against Erdo and Vucic.

Eh, as we expected. What would Erdogan if he let Imamoglu to run for presidency? Going to the Aegean or Mediterranean zone and drink latte macchiato while playing backgammon with other seniors? Or going to the prison?

May God help Imamoglu

What is Chp doing? Singing songs and organizing symbolic voting for Imamoglu lmao.

Erdoğan dug his own grave with this.

Ah yes, I’m sure this will calm the protests down.

But what do the uneducated and rural people think in Turkey? I suspect that is Erdogan’s base like dictator want-to-be Trump here in the U.S.

there is a risk of civil war in Turkey

Turks dug their own grave years ago, giving erdodog permission to change the constitution und weaken the armies generals

I wish I could say it would surprise me.



I don’t know if the Turkish people will let this one slide

Off to the Turkish gulags?

Just a week ago most of this sub was sucking up to Erdo cause he was gonna save us from Russia…

Erdoğan dug his own grave with this.

Erdoğan faked the coup detat and no one will make me believe orherwise.

JFC, why does it feel like the world is living inside a bad movie? It sure feels like the world is just begging to be rid of us and start over during our time on this thing.

Expect the same for the Hungarian opposition next year. Orban and Erdogan are the same power-hungry and corrupt scum of the earth

Erdogan is a criminal. Has been for the longest time, but this is a complete mask-off moment. Literally imprisoning the most promising opponent.

Fuck this world.

Democracy for Turkey would be such a nice light at the end of the tunnel in this world. I hope people protesting win.

Not a surprising move from Recep Adolf Erdogan, but I think he went too far with this one. Just a horrible, horrible political move which will backfire.

It’s not just about us secular patriots anymore. More than half of the country will react to this.

Erdogan knows how to play “the game”. He understands that with the US-EU split and the Russians at the gates thr EU will stfu and do as he wants.

Seems the addiction for staying in power is stronger than heroin.
Freedom for the Turks.

This is Tropico level democracy.

This is why Turkey is never going to join the EU. Dictatorship never aligns with EU’s principles. Impeach Erdogan first and maybe Turkey can join

I don’t like where the world is headed.

I don’t like that both the USA and Turkey are in Nato.

I don’t like that Hungary is in the EU.

I need to take a deep breath and stop thinking for a bit.

Are these the guys forcing to get into EU?

What a joke

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