Presidential Role Diminished…

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Owner of twitter

Also- Supreme Court Justice

Watching the political and social events in the USA from Europe, Germany is one of the worst things that has happened to me in the last 25 years. The sky-scraping stupidity, the embarrassing ignorance and uninformedness, the moronic religiosity, the anti-science attitude and this backward racism is just a worldwide joke!

An outrageous, appalling joke – what a shithole country!

And as if that wasn’t catastrophic enough, all this US shit is also affecting my country and myself…

I was going to say Travel Agent, his answer is much better.

Sad but true, the roleโ€™s lost so much respect over the years. Feels more like a reality show now.

lol, the number of replies here that think Trump was and will be a respectable president.

this isnt a comeback this is an answer

Have to agree.

Yeah, we have definitely jumped the shark on that one.

When it’s down to scum like Trump (sorry, Musk), than yes absolutely. What an embarrassment.

Without question, the best answer.


Holy shit thatโ€™s mightykeef

Speaker of the House

Hey! People pay a lot of money for that position, it cost President Musk 100s of millions, and will likely be out bid by Russian oligarchs or Saudi royals many times over the next four years

Elon is doing a great job showing CEO’s don’t actually do anything besides be a figure head.

ANY politician, cop, judge, lawyer, CEO, teacher, preacher, I could go on. Most of the jobs which used to be respected are now filled with corrupt morons.

Billionaire’s Bodyguards

I don’t know. There have been a lot of clowns over the years

It’s about time. The job has never been a respectable job. You can’t do the job without committing war crimes and your face and be displayed on a fucking mountain for ending slavery in the homes as long as you just move the slavery into the prisons. Pfft.


News anchor. Theyโ€™re now opinion (emphasis on pin-) heads. Instead of reporting news, they spend too much time telling you how you should feel about it or how enraged you should be about the other opinion.


I donโ€™t know about respected, but the training and unregulated educational extortion they put on MDโ€™s during training, no longer makes it worth it in most cases.

Insurance companies are evil. They take more than 2/3rd of the money that goes into the healthcare system in the US. Doctors earn less, pay more in liability, patients pay more. Doctors work more, patients get less. The only winner is insurance right now.

Y’all acting clueless….

Mighty Keef for Pres!

I agree. I got pretty bad when the president zoned out and shit his diaper towards the end of his term. Embarrassing.

Anyone who ever respected an american president is either ignorant or a simp for war crimes

Yaaaaโ€ฆ.but that happened awhile ago

The head of the BLM who embezzled money

Yes Joe has been one of the worst !

Thankfully, Congressman and Senator have been jokes for a long time.

Huh? Answering a question is now a comeback?

I losty respect for that job when Obama fined me $500 a year for being poor while also refusing to raise wages.

The vice president of the United States. Did we ever have a good one?

Always has been to some degree. See you put a dementia patient with downings at 5pm for 4 years and nothing changes. Is it because the president does a lot? No, it’s just the face. They just sign what they are told to, go where they need them and give speeches they wrote for them.

We did it Joe!

LOL raining tears!!!

Biden has definitely diminished the presidency. Thank God in 15 days, respect will be restored!

Agreed I feel like we havent had a real president since Bush.

The butt hurt is hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yeah, Biden really did a number on that distinguished office.

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