Pretty much sums it up for me. What are your thoughts?

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If you guys are avoiding Tropic Thunder and School of Rock, that’s on you

Not Jack! I’ll still give him a chance.

Pretty much sums up karma farming on this sub for me.

We get it, you don’t like Gail Gadot and the Rock, you’ve said it so many times it’s lost all meaning at this point

Just gonna throw my “Why the hell is Jack Black there!?” into the ring

Wtf is wrong with Jack Black?

Can we go one day without a ”Rock and Kevin Hart bad” posts please

I guess you never saw any of the modern Jumanji movies then. LOL.

I think everyone is way too easy on Adam Sandler. I like him as a comedian and as a person, but way too many movies of his are dogshit.

Why is Reddit pushing me to hate these people so much? Can’t I just continue with my mildly amused indifference?

this sub is full of teenagers with 0 care for actual movie criticism

For me it’s Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Reynolds, The Rock, and Ben Afleck

Add Mark Wahlberg to the list.

not Jack Black

Jumanji is pretty good tho

Tomorrow is my turn to post this picture guys

Swap jack black with Jason Mamoa

Ryan Reynolds

I want to add Awkwafina to the list but I can’t decide which one to remove.

Not for me; Kevin can be very funny in what are otherwise dogshit movies and Jack Black is a legend.

I dont have anything against Gal Gadot given I’ve only ever seen her play Wonder Woman, but I am getting tired of seeing the other three in every movie. My own list would be Jared Leto, Seth Rogan, Adam Sandler, and Will Farrell.

Not jack!!!!

No, it’s the Four Horseman of “Okay, We Get It – You Hate Them”

Get rid of Jack Black and replace him with Seth Rogen.

Fair,their movies are mostly dogshit

Leave Jack out of this

Nah… I’ll replace Jack Black with Ryan Reynolds…

That’s Jack Grey now, so we can still watch his older stuff when he was Jack Black

I do not get the hate for Gal Gadot. She is not a very good actor, but she is not annoying like the others in the list

Strong disagree on Jack Black.

Jack Black is great actor. The rest I agree on.

I’d personally avoid anything with typical hollywood movie stars. I watched Carry On the other day after it was hyped for some reason and it was a terrible movie.

I avoid anything especially with Justin Timberlake in it, Gal Gadot, Brad Pitt, Benedict Cumberbatch, or anyone else who seem absolutely no fit for the role and just being cast for the name. I like non-Hollywood movie stars for the lack of a better description. Also, most all US American actors and movies are not quite my cup of tea.

And for comparison, actors like Pedro Pascal, Gillian Anderson, Robert Pattinson, … they get an immidiate YES I WILL WATCH THIS.

Replace Jack Black with Adam Sandler.

Throw Zendaya in there

Russell is starting to do Segal like shitty movies…

The smith family does it for me..

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