Pretty sure catturd wfh..

By Mr__O__
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Politics and preferences aside, if Biden can legislate wfh, can’t Trump simply legislate a reversal?

Work from home has saved organizations millions of dollars per year:

1. Downsizing office space
2. Renegotiated leases
3. Modernized / Upgraded systems -> increased productivity
4. Reached people in Areas with cheaper labor
5. Increased wages of employees

The list goes on.

Why do people care where other people work exactly?

“But we have hundreds of empty buildings” Ok, how about turning them into affordable housing! “Shut up communist”

I’m struggling to see why the common man would be against this, this is great

People who can’t work in an office should be in favor of WFH too. Reduces traffic congestion from desk jockeys going into office to sit on Zoom

Working from home as allowed me to afford a house. Fuck everyone who says people should go back to the office.

Because the new president elect is known for following the rule of law….🤦‍♂️

I am fully remote, and so is 90% of my team, everyone is happy and productive. We keep seeing revenue grow, we have the highest partner engagement we’ve ever had. Plus, our company treats us all like adults. It’s amazing really. RTO is just the idiotic insecurity of a bad CEO who doesn’t trust his people.

We have several WFH people. Sheetal have said that their productivity is better at home.

Joe Biden forgave as much college loan debt as the Republican SCOTUS would allow. He protected Work From Home rights for federal employees. He commuted sentences for thousands of minor/petty weed possession crimes.

Not MAGA enough for Americans though.

It’s astonishing how eager the American ppl are in lining up to get buttfucked by the ppl in power.

Biden has been one of the best presidents of my lifetime and the media has done nothing but drag him through the mud for being old while Trump is only 2 years younger and constantly shits his diapers.

Dark Brandon strikes again!

How much do you want to bet that that’s yet another alt account for Elon

Cat turd has been exposed. He is an old fat white dude who just sits behind his keyboard all day. It’s basically the guy from south park world of Warcraft episode. He’s just a useless waste of space

Your telling me caturd who’s job is to sit at home and tweet is mad that people who actually do shit can do the same the horror

If it makes Trump unhappy Biden must being doing something right

Keeping keeping cars of the road reducing greenhouse gases. Spreading electric consumption making our grid more robust. Giving hours back to workers that would be spent commuting. The productive workers will be more productive at home, the less productive people will still be less productive, but they’ll stop dragging the productive workers down with them.

WFH is here to stay. If a company doesn’t adapt, they’ll suffer for it.

I love how the Trump people get bent when anyone else pulls the kind of fuck with your opponent stunts that are Trump’s stock in trade.

What a POS for taking care of workers… is an interesting take.

Reminder that Catturd has been married 3 times for no longer than 5 years each time and has filed for bankruptcy at least once. These right-wing “influencers” **always** have a bankground of broken homes, failed lives, and usually criminal charges.

I love how these guys that have their own planes and travel all over the place want to force people back into the office. Of course it’s because none of them have ever trusted their employees, they’re just rental property for these guys.

Catturd WFMB

Works From Mom’s Basement

What does catturd see in that, that makes it bad?

Before I retired I worked for a company that had wfh for about 80% of the staff. It was a great place to work. Enter a new CEO who wanted everyone back in the office. It wasn’t because she had legitimate reasons she actually told me she needed an “audience “ to work at her best! What a jerk! Fate stepped in with Covid and during the lock down the company was sold to a larger company whose business model was all staff work from home! Wonder to this day if she plays audience noises for herself! Lol!

Is Elon going to have an office that he reports to every day? I’m guessing NO. But he likes to tell other people to do what he doesn’t want to do himself!

Musk has enough money to turn every vacant office building into affordable housing and still be the richest person in the world. Yet he uses his riches to make the world a worse place for everyone.

Isn’t wfh more cost efficient? Putting people into offices costs a lot of money. God people are dumb.

Let’s go Dark Brandon!

Maybe they can get their work done, reduce carbon footprint and fuck over real estate speculation. Win x 3

It is a “fuck you” to Trump and his troop of morons.

Any time Biden can give Trump and President Elmo the middle finger is a good thing for America.

What a POS giving government workers freedom and quality of life… 

Mandated back to office is about real estate prices.

Biden sure is a POS. A person of substance, that’s for sure.

I am ALL for Biden using what remains of his time to spite the oncoming Musk Administration.

Sort of a preemptive damage control…

If you hate WFH, you are stupid. It saves money, increases morale, and IT INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY


The Turd- who has somehow found a way to scratch out a living as an internet troll from his couch- is complaining about people working from home.


Republicans aren’t going to obey any laws or executive orders Biden leaves behind.

I say hell yeah! Enough of the “you’re not working if I don’t see you” bullshit from management types who take all the time they want off but expect slaves to work all the time.

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