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They taste nasty, too.

#Consider my gasts flabbered.

They should do it with a C-RAM instead considering the speed and volume at which he dispenses those.

That’s a restricted relic, take it up with Judicial!

Thats a good one!

Question: what or who reloads him?

More than 30,000 lies during his first 4 years in office.


Brilliant !!!!

I’m not usually one for political cartoons, but this one is pretty funny.

What a disgrace to the PEZ dispensers 🙄😁

Bro this isn’t r/politics

This machine doesn’t even need reloading

Lee Harvey Oswald was a Prez dispenser.

I’m sure he’s told the truth once. Oh yeah, when he said…no wait, never mind. It’s accurate.

This is excellent! Commendations to the political artist. Such an awesome skill. 👍👍👍

That’s cool, it doesn’t matter what head is on top, the product is always the same.


I wanna see a graphic depicting chumps head as the end of a sewage pipe.

Don’t worry guys. Once he’s done spewing all this junk we can put some good stuff into em.

This is why y’all need to vote for me.


Hey! Don’t bring PEZ into this. Buddy.

I love how they do this for tump but none of the previous presidents

Should also post this on r/designporn

Without downvoting this comment, tell me why trump is so bad without bringing your emotions/hurt feelings into the equation. The left has proven time and time again on this platform that they are the most hateful people around…

This isn’t even a picture lmao, the political astroturfing is outta control


It would be better if you had tons of ex presidents behind the current prez. Both sides of the aisle, of course!

Orange man bad

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