Hi! Paramedic here. Request an itemized bill, request to see how much is charged per mile, and call your insurance provider (if you have one) and request to get what is covered in writing. If all else fails, tell AMR (they are an awful company to work for and are notorious for predatory billing) you’ll pay $X.XX and they can go fuck themselves.
Just so you’re aware, Paramedics and EMTs do not make a livable wage, the CEOS and shareholders get the lionshare of the profits and we are left to run 911/IFT calls with ambulances that have bald tires, inoperable a/c in the cabs, and a litany of other unsafe working conditions IN the ambulance. We hate seeing our patients refuse treatment and transport because it’s too expensive.
Fuck AMR and fuck that bill.
Edit: a word
Edit: Holy shit, my most upvoted comment is telling someone how to stick it to the man? AND I got an award? Thanks guys!
3 months ago
My father lived in an assisted living facility that was attached to a hospital. He literally didn’t have to go outside to get from one to the other. EMS charged him $2100.
3 months ago
That’s a disgrace. I can’t even imagine anything like that. The idea of having to pay a bill for needing an ambulance, like being ill or injured isn’t enough.
3 months ago
Who’s the CEO of that company?
3 months ago
I had a seizure one time and my brother called for an ambulance. I have zero recollection of what happened but he said I was screaming at the EMTs that I was fine and to just leave me alone cause I couldn’t afford the ambulance bill 😅
3 months ago
life really is Pay-To-Play in the USA …
3 months ago
Friend was hit by a truck on his motorcycle several years ago. Airlift was $20,000+, level 1 trauma center for almost 2 weeks was well over a quarter million dollars.
3 months ago
My husband got in a car accident with his mom and my 4 year old. They sent a separate ambulance bill to each one of them….yes even my 4 year old.
3 months ago
It was nice of them to hire a designer to create such an elegant layout for reminding people about a crushingly high expense.
3 months ago
I took a 14 min ambulance ride many years ago because I lost consciousness from severe dehydration.
I didn’t pay it. They can go fuck themselves. I just ignored their collection calls bc AMR is a bullshit company. Idk what ever happened to the debt, but my credit didn’t budge. Still in the 700s.
I’m not saying do this, but personally… Fuck privatized EMS. Eat a dick, AMR.
Edit: 2 words
3 months ago
I’m a severe asthmatic and the doctors and nurses would look at me bewildered when I’d tell them I drove myself to the hospital while having an asthma attack.
3 months ago
$2k for a 5-minute ambulance ride is crazy, but sadly common in the U.S. Check if your insurance covers part of it, and consider asking for an itemized bill or negotiating. This system needs serious reform. I hope it works out for you! Good luck!
3 months ago
Get the bill. Have a heart attack. Back to hospital in ambulance. Repeat cycle.
3 months ago
I live in Australia, and my ambulance ride to the hospital was $560AUD, but then the rest was free 🙂
3 months ago
And this is why the car salesman told me they (and the banks) don’t even look at outstanding medical debt when determining loan approvals, because 85% of Americans are carrying some degree of medical debt.
3 months ago
Just write “No Thank You” on the paper and return to sender.
3 months ago
I live in Minnesota and needed an ambulance. My bill was about the same. My insurance wouldn’t pay it because they said it was out of network. I had lotsa calls with lotsa people to no avail. So finally I get a collection notice from the St Paul Fire Dept & Emergency Services and I call them to make a payment plan. The guy says, do you know about -and I don’t remember so this is made up-Section 651 24 G? I said no of course and he said Call your insurance back and ask them if they have ok? Because in MN they are required to cover it. So I called them back and the first guy says he’s never heard of it but he’ll transfer me to his boss right away (LOL) the boss says he’s not authorized to cover it, but he could hire an outside contractor to investigate it. It didn’t make sense so I was silent … stunned. So he asks sir, do you want to proceed with the investigation and I said yes. The bill was paid.
3 months ago
This seems like something to complain about to the CEO
3 months ago
I can’t imagine living in the states..
3 months ago
I just recently had a trip to the ER.
I was lucky because I went to tht VA first and they called the ambulance for me. They ended up paying for it, but I wish I could show you my EOB here
3k for a cat scan. That machine has to be paid at least 200x over.
12 hours in the bed.
Cat scan, portable X-ray, and three EKGs.
Ran about 10k for everything.
Sent me outside in tht cold 3 in the morning. Nice of them.
3 months ago
As an ems member, I will recommend if you aren’t at risk of serious injury such as paralysis or death I suggest you just go in a car.
If it’s less than 15 minutes go by car. And if it’s something minor definitely go by car.
Saves you from the bill and the extra time on scene. Because most of the time we are not going to the hospital running lights and sirens
3 months ago
Just got an invoice for my ride on 26/10 today , here in Australia.
Price for a 4k ride is $461
Bur I’m unemployed…so I called them and now it’s free.
3 months ago
Check with your insurance asap. Under the federal “No Surprises Act,” you are generally not responsible for out-of-network costs on an ambulance ride if it is considered an emergency medical service; meaning you should only be charged your in-network cost-sharing amount, even if the ambulance provider is out-of-network with your insurance plan. Good luck!
3 months ago
*Read through the comments. Please upvote this so they see it. This saved me *
Call their number. They usually have like a “care” program. You have to send them financial info but I got my bill down from $2000 to $200
3 months ago
‘Murica. Most powerful country in the world where 1% of the population controls 30% of the wealth. Bills like this is why.
3 months ago
The land of the free is far from free?!
3 months ago
Meanwhile i’d pay $20 in Sweden. Even if it is a helicopter. And staying at a hospital is $11 per night the first 30 days then $5 per night after that.
3 months ago
This should be illegal
3 months ago
are you happy you lived? How about now?

3 months ago
That’s not mildly infuriating, that is Beyond Infuriating
3 months ago
This is why I always tell the folks who know me if in the moment I ever need an ambulance to call an uber instead
3 months ago
Don’t forget to tip
3 months ago
Well who’s the CEO?
3 months ago
Tell me you live in the USA, without telling me you live in the USA
3 months ago
Ambulance rides should be free; paid for by the government, just like other emergency services. That said, riding an ambulance is, and should be expensive. This is what you’re paying for: at least two trained, certified EMTs or medics, with constant training and licensure, and regular benefits. You may have only had a five minute ride, but they received the call, responded, treated and assessed you where you were at, loaded you and transported you, transferred care to a hospital, then wrote out a medical report about the call- time spent minimum 1 hour. A custom built vehicle fully equipped with radios, electrical inverters, lights sirens, wi-fi, computers, gps, ekg defribrilator, several cylinders of oxygen, rescue equipment, a full assortment of medications, ppe, and all the other medical equipment you may need. A fleet of mechanics to maintain the vehicles. Insurance for the medics and the vehicles. Cost to staff and equipment the 911 call center. You still need a full staff of administrators to support the ambulance: managers, training personnel, hr, payroll, schedulers, community outreach people, and other staff to coordinate care across your municipality. Training equipment- everything from cpr mannequins, to books and computers, and old junk cars to practice crash rescues. And you also have to pay for the ambulance to be ready so they are staffed and nearby when you call. Rent for wherever the ambulance calls home: you usually need a secured lot with an office building for administration, then, depending on your municipality, maybe a few stations where crew and rigs can be ready and equipped between calls. Fuel, utilities, etc. to keep everyone and everything running. So $1800 for all that seems downright cheap.
3 months ago
Had a son delivered prematurely, had to have him airlifted to the nearest hospital with a NICU unit and eventually he passed away after a week. Once we had returned home still grieving not even 2 days later I got a bill for $70,000 then next day another for $30,000. Fuck USA healthcare.
3 months ago
Looks like we need to take out an ambulance company CEO next, boys.
3 months ago
Cue those videos on London-ers interviewing one another asking what the cost of an ambulance ride in the U.S. is and they act all astonished when they find out it isn’t free
3 months ago
Hopefully change is coming to these crazy prices… ya know.. like someone do something about it 👀
3 months ago
Yep, that’s about right. How about getting an ambulance bill because the hospital I drove my spouse to refused to admit her because she was also a high risk pregnancy and they didn’t want the liability and had to be transferred to another hospital. Hell I wanted to just put her back in my car and drive her there myself, but they wouldn’t allow it. And no she wasn’t giving birth. Nothing like seeing your wife in pain and the hospital telling you they won’t help you.
3 months ago
I end up in ER 4-5 weeks ago via ambulance, 4-5 hrs in ER with some tests 15500+ I need to pay 1300$… this is on top of 100s i pay every paycheck. BCBS PPO…
3 months ago
did they have to add that extra cent
3 months ago
I’m so over the cost of healthcare. I just stopped paying on my $8000+ balance. Can’t get blood from a stone. Sent me to collections. IDGAF
3 months ago
what percentage of that goes towards operating costs and paying the workers, i wonder?
3 months ago
The trick I’ve found is to get SO MANY ambulance rides that your deductible and out of pocket max get met. Then boom, free ambulance the rest of the year.
3 months ago
They charged you for all the red lights they blew, and you’re alive to pay them for it. Every cent. You’re welcome.
3 months ago
Oof. I took an Uber to the hospital. Even with insurance my hospital bill was $3k 🙄
Was it black friday discount
Hi! Paramedic here. Request an itemized bill, request to see how much is charged per mile, and call your insurance provider (if you have one) and request to get what is covered in writing. If all else fails, tell AMR (they are an awful company to work for and are notorious for predatory billing) you’ll pay $X.XX and they can go fuck themselves.
Just so you’re aware, Paramedics and EMTs do not make a livable wage, the CEOS and shareholders get the lionshare of the profits and we are left to run 911/IFT calls with ambulances that have bald tires, inoperable a/c in the cabs, and a litany of other unsafe working conditions IN the ambulance. We hate seeing our patients refuse treatment and transport because it’s too expensive.
Fuck AMR and fuck that bill.
Edit: a word
Edit: Holy shit, my most upvoted comment is telling someone how to stick it to the man? AND I got an award? Thanks guys!
My father lived in an assisted living facility that was attached to a hospital. He literally didn’t have to go outside to get from one to the other. EMS charged him $2100.
That’s a disgrace. I can’t even imagine anything like that. The idea of having to pay a bill for needing an ambulance, like being ill or injured isn’t enough.
Who’s the CEO of that company?
I had a seizure one time and my brother called for an ambulance. I have zero recollection of what happened but he said I was screaming at the EMTs that I was fine and to just leave me alone cause I couldn’t afford the ambulance bill 😅
life really is Pay-To-Play in the USA …
Friend was hit by a truck on his motorcycle several years ago. Airlift was $20,000+, level 1 trauma center for almost 2 weeks was well over a quarter million dollars.
My husband got in a car accident with his mom and my 4 year old. They sent a separate ambulance bill to each one of them….yes even my 4 year old.
It was nice of them to hire a designer to create such an elegant layout for reminding people about a crushingly high expense.
I took a 14 min ambulance ride many years ago because I lost consciousness from severe dehydration.
I didn’t pay it. They can go fuck themselves. I just ignored their collection calls bc AMR is a bullshit company. Idk what ever happened to the debt, but my credit didn’t budge. Still in the 700s.
I’m not saying do this, but personally… Fuck privatized EMS. Eat a dick, AMR.
Edit: 2 words
I’m a severe asthmatic and the doctors and nurses would look at me bewildered when I’d tell them I drove myself to the hospital while having an asthma attack.
$2k for a 5-minute ambulance ride is crazy, but sadly common in the U.S. Check if your insurance covers part of it, and consider asking for an itemized bill or negotiating. This system needs serious reform. I hope it works out for you! Good luck!
Get the bill. Have a heart attack. Back to hospital in ambulance. Repeat cycle.
I live in Australia, and my ambulance ride to the hospital was $560AUD, but then the rest was free 🙂
And this is why the car salesman told me they (and the banks) don’t even look at outstanding medical debt when determining loan approvals, because 85% of Americans are carrying some degree of medical debt.
Just write “No Thank You” on the paper and return to sender.
I live in Minnesota and needed an ambulance. My bill was about the same. My insurance wouldn’t pay it because they said it was out of network. I had lotsa calls with lotsa people to no avail. So finally I get a collection notice from the St Paul Fire Dept & Emergency Services and I call them to make a payment plan. The guy says, do you know about -and I don’t remember so this is made up-Section 651 24 G? I said no of course and he said Call your insurance back and ask them if they have ok? Because in MN they are required to cover it. So I called them back and the first guy says he’s never heard of it but he’ll transfer me to his boss right away (LOL) the boss says he’s not authorized to cover it, but he could hire an outside contractor to investigate it. It didn’t make sense so I was silent … stunned. So he asks sir, do you want to proceed with the investigation and I said yes. The bill was paid.
This seems like something to complain about to the CEO
I can’t imagine living in the states..
I just recently had a trip to the ER.
I was lucky because I went to tht VA first and they called the ambulance for me. They ended up paying for it, but I wish I could show you my EOB here
3k for a cat scan. That machine has to be paid at least 200x over.
12 hours in the bed.
Cat scan, portable X-ray, and three EKGs.
Ran about 10k for everything.
Sent me outside in tht cold 3 in the morning. Nice of them.
As an ems member, I will recommend if you aren’t at risk of serious injury such as paralysis or death I suggest you just go in a car.
If it’s less than 15 minutes go by car. And if it’s something minor definitely go by car.
Saves you from the bill and the extra time on scene. Because most of the time we are not going to the hospital running lights and sirens
Just got an invoice for my ride on 26/10 today , here in Australia.
Price for a 4k ride is $461
Bur I’m unemployed…so I called them and now it’s free.
Check with your insurance asap. Under the federal “No Surprises Act,” you are generally not responsible for out-of-network costs on an ambulance ride if it is considered an emergency medical service; meaning you should only be charged your in-network cost-sharing amount, even if the ambulance provider is out-of-network with your insurance plan. Good luck!
*Read through the comments. Please upvote this so they see it. This saved me *
Call their number. They usually have like a “care” program. You have to send them financial info but I got my bill down from $2000 to $200
‘Murica. Most powerful country in the world where 1% of the population controls 30% of the wealth. Bills like this is why.
The land of the free is far from free?!
Meanwhile i’d pay $20 in Sweden. Even if it is a helicopter. And staying at a hospital is $11 per night the first 30 days then $5 per night after that.
This should be illegal
are you happy you lived? How about now?

That’s not mildly infuriating, that is Beyond Infuriating
This is why I always tell the folks who know me if in the moment I ever need an ambulance to call an uber instead
Don’t forget to tip
Well who’s the CEO?
Tell me you live in the USA, without telling me you live in the USA
Ambulance rides should be free; paid for by the government, just like other emergency services. That said, riding an ambulance is, and should be expensive. This is what you’re paying for: at least two trained, certified EMTs or medics, with constant training and licensure, and regular benefits. You may have only had a five minute ride, but they received the call, responded, treated and assessed you where you were at, loaded you and transported you, transferred care to a hospital, then wrote out a medical report about the call- time spent minimum 1 hour. A custom built vehicle fully equipped with radios, electrical inverters, lights sirens, wi-fi, computers, gps, ekg defribrilator, several cylinders of oxygen, rescue equipment, a full assortment of medications, ppe, and all the other medical equipment you may need. A fleet of mechanics to maintain the vehicles. Insurance for the medics and the vehicles. Cost to staff and equipment the 911 call center. You still need a full staff of administrators to support the ambulance: managers, training personnel, hr, payroll, schedulers, community outreach people, and other staff to coordinate care across your municipality. Training equipment- everything from cpr mannequins, to books and computers, and old junk cars to practice crash rescues. And you also have to pay for the ambulance to be ready so they are staffed and nearby when you call. Rent for wherever the ambulance calls home: you usually need a secured lot with an office building for administration, then, depending on your municipality, maybe a few stations where crew and rigs can be ready and equipped between calls. Fuel, utilities, etc. to keep everyone and everything running. So $1800 for all that seems downright cheap.
Had a son delivered prematurely, had to have him airlifted to the nearest hospital with a NICU unit and eventually he passed away after a week. Once we had returned home still grieving not even 2 days later I got a bill for $70,000 then next day another for $30,000. Fuck USA healthcare.
Looks like we need to take out an ambulance company CEO next, boys.
Cue those videos on London-ers interviewing one another asking what the cost of an ambulance ride in the U.S. is and they act all astonished when they find out it isn’t free
Hopefully change is coming to these crazy prices… ya know.. like someone do something about it 👀
Yep, that’s about right. How about getting an ambulance bill because the hospital I drove my spouse to refused to admit her because she was also a high risk pregnancy and they didn’t want the liability and had to be transferred to another hospital. Hell I wanted to just put her back in my car and drive her there myself, but they wouldn’t allow it. And no she wasn’t giving birth. Nothing like seeing your wife in pain and the hospital telling you they won’t help you.
I end up in ER 4-5 weeks ago via ambulance, 4-5 hrs in ER with some tests 15500+ I need to pay 1300$… this is on top of 100s i pay every paycheck. BCBS PPO…
did they have to add that extra cent
I’m so over the cost of healthcare. I just stopped paying on my $8000+ balance. Can’t get blood from a stone. Sent me to collections. IDGAF
what percentage of that goes towards operating costs and paying the workers, i wonder?
The trick I’ve found is to get SO MANY ambulance rides that your deductible and out of pocket max get met. Then boom, free ambulance the rest of the year.
They charged you for all the red lights they blew, and you’re alive to pay them for it. Every cent. You’re welcome.
Oof. I took an Uber to the hospital. Even with insurance my hospital bill was $3k 🙄
Still cheaper than a disney world ticket haha