Price of eggs in one of the poorest districts in the Bronx, NY

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Wtf, I’m in a not-overly-nice area of Brooklyn and it’s ‘only’ ~$8. This feels like the store owner trying to take advantage of the situation

All kidding aside, this is fucked up

$19.99 converts to £15.52, I can buy nearly 9 cartons of eggs with 10 eggs in each at my local store.

That’s a lot of eggs.

Don’t buy them: it’s supply and demand, people are paying these high prices so why would they lower them

Meanwhile Im buying a dozen eggs from a farmer for $6 Canadian

I don’t understand how Americans are not rioting in the streets rn?

Like, they are rationing eggs while their country allies with Russia.


The Trump economy is going to destroy us

Fuckin-el! I’m pretty sure that’s more expensive than just buying chicken!

Eggs will go unpurchased and get thrown away. Shame. Seems like this store is price gouging.

This is just a microcosm of a larger issue: food deserts. If you’re the only grocery store within a reasonable distance, you can charge whatever you want.

boycott eggs – they will learn really fast if no one buys them that they can’t just up the price due to production problems… Imagine the balls an hourly employee would have coming back to work after taking two weeks off and submitting 120 hours for the week to make up for his no production time.

Dude. I live in Portland, OR.

I pay 4 dollars a dozen at the fucking price gouging-est store in town (New Seasons). It is kinda high, but nothing out of the ordinary.

What gives?

here, in EU, just got 10pc for 1,19€. and we have 24% VAT here

Unfortunately it’s always been the poor in this country that gets royally screwed at every opportunity.

This is trumps great new America. Rich people can have anything they want; what’s 17$ to a multi millionaire?

Working people are the ones who will have to find a way to make do with something else.

Like when he talks about the tariffs— “there will be a rough period”, he says. But his billionaire buddies who own American corporations will see huge profits immediately. It’s a scam

Why don’t u guys use paper cartoons for eggs?

18 eggs at Costco for under $5… in the US.

Costco membership is worth it.

This is not the norm. I get it eggs are more expensive than they were 5 years ago, but this is straight gouging tourists or something.

In Ireland you get 12 eggs for about €3

That’s crazy. Here in Ga it’s $4.99 for a dozen

I found a picture I took back in 2019, 18 ct eggs at Kroger for $0.97! This is crazy

Bought some in Michigan last weekend. $6 for 18 large free range eggs. Not bad.

That’s insane. I’m about two miles away in a different part of the city and they’re the normal $6-$9/dozen.

What is Bronx doing? I’m about 1.75 hours north and they’re around 3-4 for lower grade eggs

Trump did that.

People should boycott eggs for a few weeks.

I was just in Maui and they were 12.99. This is insane and robbery.

Eggs have a use by date.

Don’t buy them and the shops won’t have a choice but to lower the prices.

I just went to Whole Foods in Edge Water and 12 pasture-raised eggs are 7.99.

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