Pride month won

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What a lovely beard he has there.

Seriously. If you’re celebrating presumably the best time of your life, getting married to someone, why the hell would your first thought be gay people?

Pride month stays undefeated with responses like this. Quick, witty, and straight to the point!

😂Oh, that’s hilllllarious! Perfectly executed.

Someone’s having a hard time staying in the closet.

Yeah I totally won’t be going to any pride parades this year because some homophobic “straight” guy got married, call it off guys we are now officially ashamed of being gay no more pride because… straight people get married?

Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.

Damn it!

I say this as a gay person, that is the gayest fucking shirt.

His gay conversion didn’t stick. Send him back to camp.

That chunky monkey has the most fabulous shirt…and a great beard too

Pride month really brings out the best and worst in people. It’s fascinating how some choose to celebrate love while others default to bitterness.

Ok, Addison.

They’re so stuck in their own perspective, they think everyone is as hateful as them. Just because they don’t want lgtbq people to marry, doesn’t mean lgtbq people don’t want straight people to get married.

Pride Month is in commemoration of Stonewall, a riot led by the LGBTQ community. Trust me, Pride Month will return to protests if it’s ever “defeated.” It’s a celebration now only because the protests worked.

Fr tho lmao this is so weird. You’re proposing to your gf but stil thinking about the gays?

What kind of women wants to be with someone that pathetic?

So, idk who these people are because im dem, so i just googled one of them. Wild that their wedding info is just readily available and the second thing that pops up.

People have no sense of cybersecurity these days.

He looks closeted

You know he is never gonna delete Grinder.

Also, that guy is gay or I’m a fish.
Not a bad thing, and hope bro figures shit out

How’s it go?

I’ve never seen a grown man struggle with a closet door so much

wtf kind of name is charis?

Why would you use the occasion of a special day like proposing to the love of your life to platform hatred?

This reminds me of the IDF couple that proposed over the ruins of a flattened school. Why would you do that?

What a fucking weird thing to think about and say at what is supposed to be one of the happiest moments in someone’s life.

The damn trolls are everywhere.

That guy must be incredibly rich

Jokes on him he’s a lesbian now.

When you know more gay men that are married with kids then flamboyant ones that date men 😂

I thought this was the woman’s account with the name Addison

I didn’t look at the pfp but I thought Addison was the woman and Charis was the man 😆

I don’t understand their obsession. I’m straight, I literally never think about gay relationships. Like not in a bad way but like how I don’t think about Wyoming. It has no effect on my life.

“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much”

Why would you even mention pride month if you’re soooooo straight?

A couple of things here. Using his special moment proposing in a heterosexual relationship to talk about pride month being defeated is like spitting on your own relationship, using it as a vehicle for such a petty message. Secondly, why does he think that just because he advertises his heterosexual marriage it means nobody cares about pride month? Gay people themselves or anyone who supports them don’t care if people are straight or gay. It’s kind of the point of pride month. People shouldn’t care so much about what someones sexuality is. That’s the whole message. The point is for different sexualities to be treated fairly just as any straight person is treated.

Is he a politican?

If not it’s very pathetic tweet.

A boy named Sue

An actual clever comeback on r/clevercomebacks? Is that allowed?

Its so funny that some people are so bothered by something they have no obligation to participate in. Like you know you can just ignore it? Is that too much to ask?

I’d have to agree, neither of them have anything to be proud of.

In so sick of these people. Had never heard of this twerp so i looked him up and it took me to his twitter. Yuck

Do they think Pride is meant to turn straight people gay?

smart sassy gays only fear.. dorky stuttering Christians..

That’s so weird… to even mention pride month when you’re uploading or sharing a picture of your engagement…

Any man buying a ring that big is compensating for something.


While putting a finger through a ring? Sus behaviour

God this is good. What the hell kind of flex did he think this was?

“Seeeeee? *I* don’t need a man!”

See, like… we don’t give a fuck about straight people getting married or holding hands in public? We don’t spend every waking moment of our lives obsessing over and fantasizing about heterosexual sex the way Republicans do about gays.

Dudes thinking about other dudes having sex while proposing

That’ll show the gays!

“Hey guys look at me I got married. I’m totally not gay. Pride month is so defeated. Can you see how totally straight and not gay I am because of how much I hate gay people?”

One hell of a closet he is in.

The phobes weird me the fuck out

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