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An unusal and cruel punishment.

AI using JavaScript, UI in Python, competitive programming in Java and making a website with C

I wouldn’t wish this to my worst enemy (myself)

Oh man I wish it was like that. A free tech course is a dream! Immagine being like “can’t wait to go to prison!”

A course of two years?!? Thats almost 2000% more training than most JS developers

For crimes against humanity and mass murders, I sentence you to 6 months of Advanced C++, Linker and Assembly crash course…

Nooo, your honor, not the c++ course, please…

What you actually need to do is teach C, Java, JavaScript, in that order.

Your Honor, I would like to request the death penalty instead.

JS DUMB, C++ GOOD 🤣🤣🤣😅🤣😅🤪🤪😝

This cannot be legal. Surely it’s more humane to reinstate the old chain gangs?

The worst offenders have to build a complete operating system in Assemby.

If they’re in prison for hacking do they get to teach the others?

For your crimes you’ll be sentenced to a lifetime course on low level languages, including, but not limited to:

Assembly, C, C++

I’d rather do labor work in the US concentration camps rather than being forced to learn javascript in Finland

I’m conflicted wether not having access to any JavaScript frameworks would be a blessing or a curse at this point?

Better punishment than a 2 years course of Fortran, i guess.
Edit: typo

I think a death by firing squad is more humane then learning javascript.


two years, display the localized date and time from a string, when you can do that we shall release you

Just give me the rubber hoses.

🤔 very interesting…

Hold up, so I could get three hots and a cot AND a tech education for the right crime in the right place?

If this punishment doesn’t stop crime, nothing will.

“Open source”

No thanks, I’ll take the chair please.

Meh could be worse. In NK they probably teach Java.

Well, if you post a question 10 years back about some problems you were facing with your code. Then comment on your post and say you figured it out without actually posting the solution, then you should go to jail for a REALLY long time.

I was forced to take a JavaScript course once during my education. I think I’ll do better in regular prison

For their crimes they can’t leave prison until they create a program using linked lists and nodes in C… prisons will be overloaded

Still a better date than Python

Can someone educate me why there is such collective hate against JavaScript?

JavaScript was the first language I learned, and I find it still the most enjoyable language to write, probably because I’m biased and fond of it though.

I also know Dart and C#, and I’ll admit going from a loosely typed language like JavaScript to C# was a bit jarring at first, but I got used to it. Now when I do new projects in JavaScript, I elect to use TypeScript and it solves that issue.

But why the collective hate? It can’t all be down to typing?

XSS training. lol 

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