Probably just screeching noises

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The stars shake…drums…drums in the deep…we can not get out…

We need to destroy your planet to make way for a new interstellar highway. Oh, wait….

“You’re the last species stuck in here. We are quitting this universe. Manage yourselves out.”

be quiet, it will hear you


they are here

Hide. Do not send probes. Do not look into the sky. They have seen you. Hide all traces of yourself. They are fast.

“People of Earth, your attention, please… This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council… As you are probably aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition… The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.”

“Hello. Upon studying your behavior and history, we have determined your continued development to be an existential threat to the galaxy. Stand by as we sterilize your planet. Do not worry, it will be painless”

Test phase completed, closing simulation

If my science fiction knowledge is trust worthy. A constant blaring of X-rays that is getting stronger the longer time goes on.

As that means a RKV (Relativistic Kill Vehicle) is coming our way.

honestly, the creepies but also the thing that would likely get humanity into space fast would be simply. “help”

Welcome to the Galactic Hegemony!

You have been accepted as: *Slave* *Planet*

Overseers will arrive shortly to begin your induction.

We’ve been trying to reach you about your space station’s extended warranty

one day, we start receiving morse code from outer space. it’s weak, but scientist can just barely make out “CAN YOU HEAR ME”. everyone is confused. how do aliens know morse code?

over the years, more and more transmissions rush in. they’re getting stronger, clearer. but they’re also familiar…

the first audio transmission arrives, and, by then, we’ve figured it out. it’s everything we’ve ever broadcast in chronological order. there are no signs it’s been recorded and retransmitted. no, each signal looks like it could feasibly have come directly from the original source.

we thought the signals would propagate in all directions forever, but they’re back where they started.

Earth094 Difficultly level has been increased.

Wait, you’re all still alive?

Show me what you got

I am a pacifist of this world. It is the luck of your civilization that I am the first to receive your message. I am warning you: Do not answer! Do not answer! Do not answer!

“Why are yall so weird?”


“Get in losers, we’re doing butt stuff”

“It’s no better over here”

They know about you now. Good luck.

Hello, how are you, I’m under the water

Thank you for the invitation – we hadn’t planned on stopping by this millennium, but your invite caught our attention!

We will meet your world leaders to discuss terms for large scale deuterium and tritium ocean mining operations.

A request to meet this Hitler guy they saw in a TV broadcast.

Soon to be destroyed species says “What?”

Make Alpha Centauri Great Again?

Your gods were delicious. Please send more.

Followed by a detailed culinary review of various deities from various cultures

Yeah it’s one thing if the aliens want to kill us. It’s another thing if they’re describing having cooked Zeus

Yo, Cosmic Turtle, dinner’s ready! The 4.5 billion year timer went off. There are 8 billion souls ready for your consumption, as planned. Oh, shit, did I just lean against that button and send a message somewhere?

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