Probably not the best, but it feels like it fits here.

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“A bit more mature”

She is technically correct, the best kind of correct.

Specially at that age, the growth as an athlete is extremely fast

Lol she is 6.67% more mature than the year before!

C’mon reporter, what do you want? … Cause that’s probably easily the largest maturity increase among all the participants.

if thats the true dialogue, what a shitty interviewer

Kinda feels like “right now I’m the oldest that I have ever been”

Saw her in an interview yesterday after defeating Jabeur. She is one very smart young woman with a sense of humor.

A year can change everything.

Maturity is about growth of the mind, so I donā€™t see the problem.

What is the interview talking about? Of course she’s more mature than before, that’s how aging work

A simple but true observationā€”growth happens one year at a time.

Interviewer is kind of an asshole.

Mitch Hedberg would be proud.

I am 40.

Wish I could say I matured…

Dude I feel like 16-18 is when life starts to truly hit. You don’t feel like a child just having fun anymore, the weight of responsability, although WAY lighter than it will ever be again, starts being noticeable. It’s not just fun and games anymore, you have shit to take care of

At least for me, I feel like I had the mature-equivalent of a growth spurt at 17

Next year ….I’ll be six

What makes this technically the truth? I don’t understand, all I see is a girl stating simple facts of life and a dumbfuck interviewer. It’s just truth ffs

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