Problem solved.

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Wealthy people donโ€™t need to worry about citizenship cards; this is a level of dumb on so many levels I can barely believe itโ€™s true. But here we are.

You know how China is infamous for sweatshops and cheap labour ? US is becoming that bit by bit.

When is the platinum card that let’s you be president?

Here comes drug lords, human traffickersโ€ฆ as long as we get shiny tokens. We deal so well with the ones we grow here. /s

Trump: Deport all immigrants! End birthright citizenship, revoke it if parents are immigrants!

Also Trump: I’ll sell you citizenship!

Can I just sell mine to someone for $4million, so I can move?

Problem: you run out of Billionaires to griftโ€ฆ
Solution: import more Billionaires, continue the grifting
โ€œitโ€™s good to be Kingโ€

Oh, so *thatโ€™s* what they mean when they say โ€œfreedom isnโ€™t freeโ€โ€ฆ..

And your shortage of legal cartel residents, Russian oligarchs and muslim middle eastern oil zillionaires.

If you pay 5 mill for that chances are this isn’t your money in the first place or you’re bad at maths

Running the country like a country club. Get ready for a wave of people with more money than brains who are above the working class and will do whatever they want because they paid to be American.

We have reached peak capitalism, America is for sale.

This is nothing new. Lots of countries do this or something similar. Typically, it’s like….”Buy a piece of expensive property and we will give you legal residency.” It does still require a process of application with background checks, etc. But with Trump, probably the “wads of money” is enough of a background check.

Yeah and suddenly all russian oligarchs and politics are US citizens

Iโ€™m betting some Americans will give their citizenship away freely at this point.


Do you think he knows that the vast majority of people rich enough to do that aren’t grifters, just money hoarders, and as such it’ll do nothing for the economy?

Proof he literally does not care about anyone unless they have money.

Soooo still nothing for the average American?

Have we cut enough federal jobs to stop paying income tax or at least cut our income tax by 75%?

How about an EO combating inflation?

Any day now right?

This has already been happening for YEARS – also in Western European countries.

Not sure th problem is solved, they gonna need more imigrants to cleaning, serve and so on ๐Ÿ˜‚

So… The Investor Class of permanent resident applicant that currently exists… Just pretend that doesn’t already exist.

Someone with any basic database skills should cross-reference the Gold Card visas with the unsealed Epstein court documents.

โ€œThese immigrants are rapists and murderers โ€ฆโ€

Damn, so can Zelensky just buy one and then be an american Citizen and maybe give one to a front line soldier and when they get shot at it’s an attack on an american citizen?

Give me your rich, your elite, your heirs and moguls yearning to be seen.

Cartels are gonna love this

That way, Oligarchs can buy themselves a US citizenship and bring their money to the U.S. in order to protect it from sanctions. Am I right?

This story will go away for a while, then in a year or so, we’ll get like 3 news stories about 10 millionaires who bought the card and still aren’t citizens and it may be that whatever it was they bought won’t help them at all get citizenship. They’ll realize that Americans elected the guy from the Music Man (or Simpson’s Monorail salesman) as President.

Give me your wealthy, your rich people, your huddled millionaires yearning to make bank.

What the fuck?

It kinda looks like that USA plays the same script that some shitty little country in eastern Europe, “influenced” by the russians. Even the naming is similar:–a9iEyC-u2_YwUqtHXuDMDjbx3dxoCylUQAvD_BwE

Don’t go that way guys, please don’t. You were once against these mofos, I put my trust in you.. thought there is still hope somewhere in the world.

[in a voice of an infomercial]
โ€œNow for a limited time, 3 years only, if you purchase a Trump gold card, you get a signed Trump bible and a collectable red MAGA cap FREE. Thatโ€™s right! Come to America now and fully exploit the trapped Americans! This is a limited time offer so Call now!โ€

Now do this for existing citizens, maintain your citizenship with a 1% charge of your net worth, with an exemption for your first 10 million dollars.

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