Professional liar🙏

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I mean, I haven’t watched the trailer but from what I saw, it seems more like a spin off than a sequel.

I meaaaannn he technically ain’t lie. NightReign is a standalone spin-off, not an expansion or sequel. Regardless, Miyazaki is still my favorite liar

Like Todd Howard except he lies for the better.

He never lied, he’s not the one making Night Reign.

Under-promise and over-deliver. Keep it up king.

I mean, at the bare minimum Elden Ring is less than 30 hours. If you know what you’re doing you can go from fresh to Burning Down the Erdtree and have only killed like 13-17 bosses.

CD Projekt Red also mentioned in the past that they won’t make any more Witcher games after the 3rd game, and now look where we are.

This looks like the sort of thing the staff make because it’s the sort of wild fun they’d want to play with each other internally.

I mean, he never *really* lies, does he? Let’s say he is economical with the truth. Elden Ring *can* indeed be finished withing 30 hours. Heck, it can probably be finished in 10 even without speedrunning. The Shadowlands *are* indeed a bit bigger than Limgrave, but i guess he forgot to mention there would be a few layers on top of the other. And yes, it is no DLC or sequel, but after he said that, nobody was really expecting anything related to the IP, let alone so soon. I love it when this man lies!

It’s not a sequel. It’s barely a standalone game.

but he isn’t making nightreign though

It’s not a sequel, it’s no DLC, it’s a gameplay experiment set in a world they already had so it makes realizing a whole game easier. People just want to be fooled so eagerly.

Yap yap yap

He lies, but not to deceive us. He lies, so that we may experience more joy than we were expecting.

I’m pretty sure you can beat Elden Ring in <30hrs. You only need to beat two Great Rune bosses (any combination of Godrick, Rennala, Radahn, Mohg, and Rykard), Godfrey Shade, Morgott, Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Malekith, Gideon, Godfrey, and RadaBeast to become Elden Lord. There’s a TON of extra bosses you never have to touch. Yes, Godrick adds Margitt to that list, just like Rennala adds Red Wolf, but that’s not that much extra time.

Miyazaki literally has 3 jobs in Fromsoftware: adding feet cutscenes, poison swamps, and lying in interviews.

Undersell. Overdeliver.

He’s like the opposite of a Todd Howard, Peter Molyneux, Sean Murray type dev. He lies to undersell it. He lies to surprise us pleasantly, not unpleasantly.

I appreciate that he doesn’t overhype his products. Makes it all the better when they are impressive


Doesnt create hype and then BOOM in your face

I mean, I haven’t played the DLC, but the story of the base game is indeed roughly 30 hours. Did it take me almost 300 hour to finish the game? Absolutely, but it was because that’s how much it took to thouroughly explore every nook and crany on the map, defeat every optional boss and collect all the loot and almost every gear piece.

The Professional Underseller

Bloodborne Remaster isn’t happening

It looks like it’s gonna be so fun tho I’m so pumped

He plays too much video games at work, so he doesn’t really know.

The opposite of a modern developed lol god bless this man and his incredibly talented team

It’s just a standalone sandbox, not a dlc, not a sequel..

He is not a liar, he is the original troll.

Under promises, over delivers, mark of a true chad.

akshully the Shadow Realm is technically a bit bigger than limgrave, relatively speaking

Technically correct, the best kind of correct

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And nobody got mad

His words are always kinda like a weird play of r/technicallythetruth

> This games story is 30 hours

It takes 30 hours to finish listening to all the NPC dialogues, which is technically “the whole story”

> The world will be a bit bigger than Limgrave

On 2D? Yeah

> There are currently no plans for DLC or sequel

That being said, I’ve always had a spinoff in mind.

Game’s story is 30 hours, 70 hours is traveling the empty open world


Nothing he says is strictly false.

Elden ring is roughly 30 hours long. Most people’s first playthrough is 100 hours because you’re taking your time and learning the intricacies of the new world, as well as experiencing new dungeons for the first time.

Is the DLC not bigger then limgrave?

TBF, Nightreign is neither a DLC (it’s a separate game) nor a sequel (it does not follow after the events of the game, it runs parallel).

So, technically, not a liar either way.

In regards to the second one, someone overlayed the two maps and found that the Realm of Shadow is the size of Limgrave and Liurnia combined

Miyazaki: No plans for bloodborne 2

Me: Hope?

I mean.. he can’t just go “ah gash darn it, I really hoped you would never ask about a sequel to Elden Ring. Now I have to prematurely reveal NightReign”.

Yes. I know, it’s not a sequel. but you get the point.

No offence to anyone but who ever listens to developers as words as gospel truth? They’re contracted not to tell you anything until the company says so.

bro understands smart marketing, there’s nothing more hype than getting the christmas gift that ur parents said wasn’t gunna happen

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