Professionals have standards

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So far:

1. the shooter used a veterinary pistol

2. The shooter wrote on the shell casings

3. The shooter planted his backpack with Monopoly money in it

4. The shooter has evaded the most heavily surveilled city in the USA, less DC, for days

I hate to admit it, but the shooter is really impressing me.

The attention to detail! All those little clues!

The guy is an artist

It keeps getting better and better.

Dangerously close to FOLK HERO STATUS

My kids claim was denied today for a behavioral health.
I pay the max per month. I’m cheering for this man. He has a free room to use anytime

Is Kristi Noem under consideration??

I get a chuckle out of the headline, “City on Edge.”

Um, no. No one is on edge except asshole CEOs.

To be fair the CEO was an animal.

The Franz Ferdinand moment for the USA healthcare industry.

These detectives are absolutely ridiculous.

So far I’ve heard: “It was a welrod.” “It’s possibly a veterinarian gun.” “It’s a B&T Special 6”….all of these are incorrect. It was a standard 9mm with a suppressor missing the neilson device (piston) and nothing more. He knew it was missing the piston so he knew he had to re-rack with every round. He also staggered his ammunition (the rounds with the writing on them) because HE KNEW he was going to have to rerack every round. This isn’t some super duper special assassin guy. It was a dude that meticulously planned the death of someone that most certainly had an impact on his life. Some folks will dedicate themselves to a cause, no matter how dark, if they’ve been pushed far enough. The American healthcare system is an absolute joke and I really wouldn’t be surprised if this sparks something that’s been coming for a long long time.

Silver for monsters.

UHC has the highest denial rates at around 35%. People dying while this dude was out golfing like trump

This is incorrect. He used a normal semi-auto pistol. The suppressor prevented it from cycling after he shot. You can see him clear the malfunction then fire again. That said, he clearly has trained extensively and knows how to use the weapon well.

Editing to add: I am familiar with the welrod and the B&T VP9 which is the veterinary pistol mentioned. I don’t believe it is this for a few reasons. The VP9 is an NFA item which means the name and info of the owner is filed with the ATF, thus making it much easier to track than a normal firearm purchase. It’s also a very distinct looking gun up close and is pretty rare. I think the most likely answer is a tilting barrel action pistol like a Glock. [(How the tilting action works)]( This is about the most common style of pistol and would be the easiest to acquire. Adding a suppressor affects how the barrel tilts and, if heavy enough, would prevent it from cycling correctly. Subsonic ammo is also a possibility because it would have less blowback and might not be able to cycle the gun properly because of that. I think this is less of a factor unless most subsonic ammo would be able to cycle a gun like this. He may have used subsonic ammo though to make shot quieter. The suppressor was most likely manufactured or improvised by him because it would be an NFA item and as I said earlier, more easily traced.

We’re going to have to update this now
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I don’t know why there is all this speculation about the special guns that may have been used, it’s pretty clear from the video that it’s a standard slide action semi-auto with a suppressor. If you plan to commit a crime without getting caught, the last thing you want to do is use a specialized weapon that only 0.1% of the population might have access to. Imagine getting stopped and trying to explain why you’re carrying a veterinary pistol when you’re not a vet or bolt-action pistol designed for assassinations.

Every time I read something about this shooter I like him a little more. Someone needs to write a folk song about The Adjuster.

Mf Chad Anton Chigurgh out here

Maybe, but I doubt it. There’s no reason to use a highly unique, specialized gun that’s easy to track—when you can throw a rock in half these states and hit a Glock. It’s more likely that he’s using a “home-made” solvent trap suppressor, and the gun isn’t cycling right because it doesn’t have a Nealson device.

It wasn’t. The gun they’re describing is essentially a bolt action pistol. The shooter is clearly trying to get the pistol back into battery in the video which is not something that would have been required with the pistol they’re describing. The NYPD is putting their ineptitude on display for all to see. 

This dude is the Banksy of murderers


“They called me the .22 caliber killer” – Joe Pesci in Casino

But I hope he doesn’t face the same end. More like I hope he lives a long and healthy life by a pond. Any inkling I have for the justice system to “cover” this is unfortunately out of network for me

They keep making him sound cooler

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Pigs in Animals by Pink Floyd = politicians, commentators, and corrupt lobbyists

All the symbolism and the elusivity of this guy makes me think of Banksy.

Has anyone seen the guy from Turkey 🇹🇷 from the Olympics? I feel he could have been hired to do this.

His Olympic performance was merely an audition for his job as an International hit man.

This has been debunked by Forgotten Weapons. The shooter did not use a veterinary pistol (B&T VP9), or its British Welrod predecessor.

It was most likely a 9MM semi-automatic pistol that isn’t cycling properly.

You don’t want to use a “very unique” weapon to assassinate someone in broad daylight. Rare and distinguished pistol, that can make you more easy to identify. Common sense, people.


He didn’t kill a pig. He killed a leech.

This is insulting to pigs.

People need to stop caring about the culture war and focus on the one thing that unites us. The class war. Let’s fucking go!


How very “No Country for Old Men” of him.

This is how Dexter must’ve felt when he first saw the Ice Truck killer

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