Profits over people.

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Imagine the good Elon could do in this crisis if Geppetto had only figured out how to give him a soul.

Metallica just donated 500k as well.

Edit: to the wildfire fund, not Trump…

Swift must really hate LA to donate to the fires!

La fires give no benefit to them

Trump is a god and needs to be appeased or punishment follows. Just see how the workers are treated
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I cannot name one song of hers, but I watched the Netflix documentary on Swift. Her music is not to my taste, but like Dolly, she is clearly a talented, hard working, generous, principled and considerate person. Meanwhile, Zuck said that too many corporations are being “destroyed by feminine energy.” Arsehole.

Then sheโ€™ll get criticized by the right for โ€œonlyโ€ donating $10,000,000 when she could โ€œgive so much more.โ€

She better start watching her back, a rich female who generally seems like she does good and came out publicly to support Harris. She is the anti everything that’s coming into the government

Embarrassing that the richest country in the history of the world has to rely on celebrity and techbro donations

Google and Apple have donated a lot to the fires, not $0 like this shows.

They’re all paying their vig to the capo

Really? 3 hours and 84 comments and not one person pointing out this image is just wrong? Figures

โ€œI HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!!!โ€ – Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Apple, Uber, Donald Trump

Maybe Swift should run for president.

Amazon: 40 mill to Melania

Wasnฬˆt this debunked? Maybe I’m wrong but there’s no actual news source that confirms she donated 10m? Can someone correct me if I’m wrong?

Says it all.

The irony of trickle down economics not working yet *again* in this situation is particularly sad.

In every crisis, look for the helpers.

I can’t find anything that says she donated?
I am NOT defending the shit sticks on the left, just wanted a source to confirm.

Edit: from what I can tell, this is a hoax. Taylor has not donated any amount, although her boyfriend has allegedly donated a million dollars.

Have always loved Swift, she’s a good one.


Fucking embarrassing

FWIW Amazon just announced a $10M donation earlier today.

Screw big business. We need to make them afraid

There are no credible news reports of Swift donating anything. This is a copy/paste Facebook rumor that her fans are spreading.

“oh it’s a tax write off”.

Taylor has more integrity than half the world.

This is a lie.

Can someone even explain to me what an inauguration donation is? Have other presidents done this?

Good point, one of the worst infographic tho ๐Ÿ’€

So nice of the LA fires to donate to Taylor Swift

Woof, what’s the T&T sub got to say about this one?

Oh, listen to the dead silence. Wonderful, isn’t it?

It’s wild how billionaires can throw around millions like it’s pocket change while the rest of us are just trying to scrape by. The system is so broken when celebrity donations become the primary relief for disasters that should be government-funded.

Fuck all of them!

Fires donโ€™t give tax cuts!

1 million is like $10 to you and I when you realize how much these corporations make. Hell maybe even $1.

I don’t even get what they’re donating money for? Like to make the inauguration “lit” ? What even is this?

TS hasn’t donated one dime lol

I’d like to believe these numbers but they seem too simple.

Name the CEOs

To be fair, Trump does look like he’s on fire

I think I just became a swiftie…

To be fair, didn’t Amazon donate $10 mill to the fire?

Amazon gave $10m. Idk about the rest.

Why do all the uber rich in California just pay for everything?

I find it weird that even they are running gofundmeโ€™s and asking for handouts. Iโ€™m aware that no everyone is rich but the rich can definitely afford to pay for the people who need it in their own state

Taylor swift and the costco CEO are two of the only billionaires i respect

Did Taylor Swift really donate???

I she keeps doing stuff like this I might just turn into a swiftie.


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