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But you do often encounter race conditions when the carrots are ready quicker than the potatoes.

Haha but I hate cooking too, not just my job

I hate following recipes. Computer programs are exact, but recipes wing it all the time. “Add a teaspoon of X”, “add Y to taste”, listing “all” requirements and then suddenly requiring new ingredients or devices in the middle of the recipe. 

I just yeet healthy shit together, throw some spices in there solely based on vibes, and then hopefully I’m done quickly so I can do something fun again.

This tweet is five years old, let it die already.

Wish this was me. I hate cooking 😭

What,from the comment section, y’all hate cooking?

Wait until they add AI to smart peelers. 😑

I am programmer and I doubt I could execute a food recipe for correct termination.

Most of the specs are ambiguous, like “put the potatos in the hot water until they look orange”. How hot the water?, what level of orange, can you provide the RGB number?, do I have to peel the potatos first?.
Recipes seems made for people that don’t need the recipe, just a quick remind.

I once tried to make instant noodles and almost destroyed the house. Forgot to put water in the glass when I tried to make hot water.

Hey it’s true. Plus there’s really no such thing as outdated documentation. I’ve used a cooking book my grandmother had. Only thing is, they’ve mentioned butter and olive oil as the cheap stuff.

Used carrots, ended up with spaghetti.

Seems just like programming.

Please don’t give them any ideas. You know that some company will be salivating at the idea of SaaS kitchen equipment with updates that will do this sort of stuff


… or that the latest batch of carrots you bought can open your front door to anyone who rings the door bell

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