Progress, people, progress.

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It did. You just don’t realize it yet

At least we are on 2025โ€ฆ
Hope to survive until next year.

Bold of you to assume we are in the โ€žleading up toโ€œ and not the โ€žbeginningโ€œ part of the history books.

Chances are, we are already in ww3. Propaganda is strong. Cyber warfare. Physical wars all over. We at it buddy

God I hope this ages well.

*Hell yeah and no Borg assimilation…*

As long as thereโ€™s no draft

Yeah, I planned that for April 2025…

You think drones are over top NJ for no reason

pray this doesnt end up on r/agedlikemilk

well depends what you count as WW3, since technically the war that will lead to WW3 has already started so up to you how you call it ๐Ÿ˜€

For now at least

In 2020 i leaned a lesson. No matter how bad you think it is it’s getting worse. Now i look at everything as an win and ignore the negatives. These are the good times people. Arise

That overdramatizing got old in like 2023

*israel enters the chat*

Iโ€™m just all in on this bird flu. Please make the people go away. That was so nice!

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