Progressive Ideas Unite Rural America

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Life would probably be a lot different for you if the DNC had the balls to make Bernie their candidate

It sometimes seems like the elite of the Democratic party would rather lose as centrists than win as actual progressives.

They love Democratic/progressive policy, as long as its not attached to any actual (D), ot they have to actually vote for a (D).

So he saw 1/3rd of the population? Sounds like the same thing from the election. If the people I. Rural areas liked progressive ideas we wouldn’t have gotten trump.

Why did 64% of the Bernie rally attendees also attend at least 9 Kamala events? Is this organic?

The problem is that Rural America doesn’t vote that way

I’m from Altoona, Wisconsin, and it’s not rural. It borders several other cities, and the metro area has about 160K people.

He’s out there on rural America sheepdogging for the DNC.

So is he saying a town with 9200 people is rural?

“When you have a popular democracy, to win votes you have to give more and more. And to beat your opponent in the next election, you have to promise to give more away. So it is a never-ending process of auctions—and the cost, the debt being paid for by the next generation. Presidents do not get reelected if they give a hard dose of medicine to their people. So, there is a tendency to procrastinate, to postpone unpopular policies in order to win elections. So problems such as budget deficits, debt, and high unemployment have been carried forward from one administration to the next.”

“American and European governments believed that they could always afford to support the poor and the needy: widows, orphans, the old and homeless, disadvantaged minorities, unwed mothers. Their sociologists expounded the theory that hardship and failure were due not to the individual person’s character, but to flaws in the economic system. So charity became “entitlement,” and the stigma of living on charity disappeared. Unfortunately, welfare costs grew faster than the government’s ability to raise taxes to pay for it. The political cost of tax increases is high. Governments took the easy way out by borrowing to give higher benefits to the current generation of voters and passing the costs on to the future generations who were not yet voters. This resulted in persistent government budget deficits and high public debt.”

– Lee Kuan Yew

I live in rural America. This is false.

Rural America doesn’t like progressive ideas on guns.

Rural areas tend to be more socially conservative, but they are open to economically progressive policies, so long as they are tailored to agrarian interests.

Recall how, historically, the Populist Party was a rural agrarian movement. Likewise, in Canada, the agrarian CCF formed North America’s first democratic socialist government in Saskatchewan.

Progressive Populism would likely play very well in a lot of abandoned rural communities.

Unfortunately the DNC and related fuckwads have written off those citizens, and/or don’t dare upset the apple cart of their big corporate donors.

It’s honestly hard for me to forgive the Democrat party for what they did to Bernie in 2016… he definitely would have beaten Trump..

9200 rural?!?!? Love Bernie, but he and the dems really need to figure out what and where rural is. It is NOT the burbs.

Wisconsin helped elect Trump TWICE, and the one Democratic presidential candidate they voted for in the past decade was not particularly progressive. Dafuq outta here with this…

I hate to be that European, but it fucking horrifies me the situation with healthcare in the US, by far the richest country in the world but it’s poorest may as well live in a third world country.
Nothing Bernie says should be considered radical.
I could go on but I’m just so fucking exhausted by American politics, it’s just relentlessly depressing.

I stayed a night in Altoona. Hotel beside the va hospital. Nice town.


ok, but then what if someone that doesn’t look like me or act like me gets the benefit of that, then it’s a horrible idea! /s

“Seeing this makes me feel good, and now I feel justified doing nothing”

Fight for your country folk. Spread the good word.

– Canadian

Rural Americans love progressive politics. They just don’t like non-white people benefiting from progressive politics

Ok, Bernie, can you please bring yourself to my city of 300k?

Try Altoona, FL, now that’s rural.

meanwhile republican leader mike johnson is telling party members to avoid town halls.

Plumbers love healthcare!
I love plumbers 💚

People aren’t mad at Democrats because they don’t like progressive ideals. They’re mad at Democrats because Democrats don’t fucking deliver.

The needs of many outweigh the needs of few

Bernie needs to stop telling progressives to take the high road and to step into the pit, ready to fight.

It’s my only criticism of the best politician, who has consistently fought for us almost his whole life.

This is what needs to be done

I was so confused why he was doing this until I realized he is trying to single handily show the dems, the way to a victory. God bless this man.

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