Prom 1995. We went through teenage pregnancy, med school, and tragic deaths in the family, but today we’ve been married 28 years.

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I love this picture! Congratulations guys!

No need to tell us this was 1995, we can tell from his hairstyle

I swear I’ve seen this pic here before.

But I’m wrong because it doesn’t look you’ve posted it before. I must be losing my mind. Or you have a twin couple out there.

Happy Anniversary, you have a lovely wife.

My wife and I have been together 31 years and married 28. In a world where it’s difficult to be exceptional, I really believe our relationship is the one thing in my life that meets this definition. It’s certainly not perfect and we’ve had our challenges, but having and keeping this girl by my side is the best thing I’ve ever done.

Today picture to add? You’re both lovely!!

You both look straight out of twin peaks and I’m here for it

Looks like a young Jim Halpert since we can’t see the face

He has perfect Dmitri hair


Good for you OP! I was married as a senior in High School myself. Been married 25 years next November. We have three sons, two have already graduated college. My wife has two degrees, and I have a successful career.

It’s not easy, but it’s awesome to be an outlier!

She looks a bit like Larisa Oleynik (Alex Mack and Bianca from 10 things I Hate About You).

That’s incredible! Congratulations with many more ahead.

Congrats, you two! 

Happy anniversary!!

Your wife looks like Alex Mack

Impossible. 1995 was only 15 years ago….sigh

How can you have been married for 28 years if you went to prom in 1995?

1995 was only 5 years ago, and I will not hear any differently.

Congrats, he looks like Jim Halpert

Where’s an updated picture of you two?

I married my 1996 prom date!

I love seeing your posts with/about your beautiful family together! So inspiring as a struggling 20-something year old going through some harder parts of life with my partner that I love so much.


I thought she was Barbara Palvin for a moment.

Congratulations to you both.

My wife and I were married on this day in 1995. Still going.

Is your wife Alex Oleynik? She looks very similar.

Happy Anniversary!

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