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Weekly “cure to cancer to post”

Scientists don’t base their work on random jackpot Eureka moments they don’t tell anyone about. It’s collaborative itteritive grinding away test after test. There will already be people trying to replicate it. They don’t need protection.

We have gotten these kind of news for the last like 5 years. I won’t celebrate shit until someone close to me is saved by it.


For the sake of internet culture, what if we posted names of publications, or more than just a an image with a broad claim?

Exciting, but they haven’t published how this can be brought to medicine or how a “treatment” will work.

If you know anything about Molecular and Cellular Biology, you’d know just how preposterous this news sounds.


I too get my groundbreaking, world changing science news from a picture on Reddit… 🙄

They also managed to make cold fusion work. Ok give them all a week.

How about posting something beyond a photo with a caption? Is there any research paper or journal? What a waste.

Great, looking forward to never hearing about it again because it’s not profitable to quickly cure cancer for the system.

How long until they go missing and nobody hears about this again

Oh, I wish….

If cancer was a pandemic disease…

lol. How long before the people in these fake ass posts are ai generated to.

Source? Haha

These people aren’t suicidal guys remember that…

Really hope it’s south korea

United Health is probably trying to find ways to kill these scientists right now


I’ll believe it when I see it happen successfully, consistently. I hope it is.

Fuuuuuuck this title.

I Am Legend 😬

They better publish their work before they start falling out of windows.

Oh no they are die in a airplane crash what terrible accident what shame ( probably gonna happen soon )

cool groundbreaking technology has just been discovered cant wait to never hear about it again, also im sure the scientists have “tragicly killed themselfes” already

Ya think they’re gonna give it away for free or something?

Its only going to take your life savings to save your life.

Now don’t get on a plane!!!

This is incredible, bravo to these researchers!!!! Cancer research and treatments have come SUCH a long way!

Haha that’s great now did they reveal a groundbreaking technology that fixes cancer cells or did they hypothesise a method which they will soon start trying on individual cells, likely without success?


The hardest part about turning cancer cells back into normal cells is where you hide the battery 😏

im just gonna say which korea? Because that will drastically change my belief this is real.

That will be great

It would never happen in the U.S and if it does it would cost millions

wonder if these are from the same institution as the koreans who said they found a room temperature superconductor.

They discovered that as a cancer cell is developing you can edit it to change it back into a normal cell. I don’t think this is an actual cure, more of a potential way to stop/slow progression. No near-term applications. Managing expectations.

I just finished reading the article, I have got to say this makes no sense. My current understanding of cancer is that cancer is caused by abnormal mutations of cells, instead of these mutated cells dying they proceed to replicate creating tumors which can interfere with bodily function’s potentially causing death. So how the hell can you “flip a switch” and have these cells which were upon creation mutated, become normal healthy cells? They were never healthy cells, you would have to rewrite the mutated cells DNA. Who knows how the mutation changed the DNA which would mean everyone would need their own specialized cure as everyone has slightly different DNA.

alright but does it also turn people into zombies? That’s the important question

Pfizer will make this disappear in no time like any breakthrough in the last decades

Don’t worry guys, at least we got their obituary photos.

Anddd this is the last I’ll ever hear about this one ! Couple months and it’ll be someone else

The rest of the world is better without us. The US deserves to be austrisized.

They have any flights coming up they should probably cancel that.

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