Protect yourself

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EVEN if we are to assume they are “looking for attention” NO ONE is looking to be made uncomfortable or assaulted… fucking asshats…..

every time this gets reposted someone will say this, and now it’s my turn: there’s an exhibit of clothes people were wearing when they were raped. there are burkas. there are seven-year-olds’ dresses. there are diapers. it’s not about the clothes you wear. 

Let’s say they have a shirt that says “Looking for dick.” That doesn’t mean dick FROM YOU! If you pull out your wallet, that means you’re looking to spend money, does someone just get to take your wallet? No.

That would be fucking stupid.

If someone leaves their house unlocked and the door open, do I have the right to enter their house and steal their valuables?

Joke’s on the guy with the hammer, the idiot’s head contains nothing worth protecting

It’s not about the clothes you wear; it’s about respect and boundaries.

If you’re going around paying cash for everything, and your wallet is fat, I have every right to rob you. You asked for it, right?

If your eye causes you to sin pluck it out.

The sicko needed to be outed and doxxed for his disgusting misogyny

Was this a Trump quote from his defamation lawsuit? The hush money trial where he paid a pornstar? Or the one of his statements in the statutory rape of a minor cases?

Its why I only ever leave the house in a full suit of armor

**Men, on the Internet:** Why are they choosing the wild animal who can disembowel them??

**Alwo, men, on the Internet:** We are wild animals who can disembowel women.

There are so many men who feel the need to absolve themselves from any wrongdoing towards women, they don’t realize they are basically making themselves to be/appear like self cockblocking misandrists.

There was a time when I would have thought the first comment was pure trolling. Nope. There’s a whole new crop of such predators who consider rape an “alpha male” rite of passage.

We gotta stop redacting the names of people who say crap like this publicly. They need to be publicly shamed for it. Freedom of speech does not guarantee anonymity from the consequences of what you say. Every woman needs to know this man’s name; for their own safety.

or a red hat that sticks out like a target?

They have the choice to not rape, no? Also the use of the word “girl” is icky.

Whoever wrote that first part is taliban dogshit

Maybe I dunno control yourself and not attack other people?! Just control yourself and treat other people like people. WTAF is wrong with people that cannot stop themselves from assaulting someone else.

“not everything is for you” is a difficult concept.

There’s an exhibit called “what were you wearing?” Which is just a showcase of clothes sexual assault and abuse survivors were wearing at the time.

It’s not revealing stuff, you can look it up, but I doubt a single one of the people who love to use this argument would find them oh so scandalous and inappropriate.

Interesting that the only women you think under threat of rape, are the ones that you would want to ‘do stuff’ to.

If you’re not wearing a jockstrap and cup, you were asking to be kicked in the balls.
What else could it mean?

If I run into one of these dudes as a guy and hear them say it in my hearing range, I am going to straight knee him in the balls, and say you are not wearing groin guard so you were asking for it, as a guy protect your balls at all times.

r/MurderedByHammer Heh. Love it.

So what he’s admiting is that he is a slave to his basal instincts and can’t function in a civilized society.

The hammer man looks for unprotected heads tho

Go out dressed to attract attention, and you’ll likely succeed. Male, female old or young. Denying that is just stupid. This has nothing to do with condoning crime. It’s about managing your risk of being becoming a victim of crime.

Having said that people are terrible at understanding probability, and worse still at language, so we continue to have a debate over the bleeding obvious generation after generation.

The comments here are insane. Some babbling bullshit about “wear the bait of a predator, you attract one” then more babbling bullshit about “attracting sharks” on and on. Like a typical misogynistic swine.

Why is the bottom of the last head cut off? The rest of the bottom line isn’t cut like that.

It’s weird.

Asking for what? People to look at them? Maybe. Assault? Only a criminal would think so.

And there’s a difference between noticing and glancing versus leering and being gross.

Dude, you having the self control of a toddler has nothing to do with how I’m dressed

Then ask him if he wears a bulletproof vest lol

Women, please learn how to use a knife, buy OC spray, firearm training.

Yeah buddy you’d better start wearing a cup or jock strap, in case we think you’re being attacked by a snake in your pants that we need to protect you from with a boot or a bat, to keep you safe of course 😉

I always wonder what these types do in the summer or around a beach or pool.


I get the idea that they are “looking for attention” but that’s not the same as wanting to be assaulted
Like holy fuck what kind of mental fucking gymnastics does this mf do

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I always like to think that if I were a dude, I’d be offended by the “she was asking for it” argument, as it seems to suggest that men have no self-control or decision-making skills.

If I saw you flashing a wad of bills around nearby, would it be OK for me to go up and just take it from you because you “asked for it” or I “couldn’t help it”? Or should I, as a grown adult with a moral code and basic decency, not hurt other people just because…I shouldn’t?

You can’t say that, he’s wearing his Hat Of Denial

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