Protest inside Joshua Tree National Park today🇺🇸🤠🌵🇺🇸

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I fucking LOVE the park service.

I invite Trump to go up there and take them down himself. He says he’s in great shape; should be able to hike it then

I’m very worried low staffing will allow psychos free reign to cut down Joshua trees like they did during covid. Solidarity!

Thanks National Park service!! Keep it up❤️!!

Stay strong!! 💪 resist!!

I am glad to see my favorite place is resisting this fascist administration. Keep resisting!!

This has sprung up as the organic protest across parks. It’s not protesting enough, but it’s a great, effective, highly visible protest.

I don’t want the parks to become a political place, but it’s WHOLLY appropriate when the parks are in real danger.


I don’t want to sound like a dick, but they’re going to take those with them when they’re done, right? It doesn’t seem respectful to the park, nature, or other visitors if they just leave stuff lying around.

Are those the rocks that look like Nixon?

You are the real americans!!

Leave no trace.

Joshua Tree existed before the park service.

Not long until they try to make flying the flag upside down illegal and try to start locking people up for it

I bet they’re not gonna pick those flags up after they’re done larping.

Fuck yes we are in turmoil within the first 100 days and there is no upside in sight. Protest it!
Deny, Defend, Dipose

It’s all of our duty, even more than before, to not only leave no trace but LEAVE EM BETTER THAN YOU FOUND EM! This ESPECIALLY goes for BLM and FS land where enforcement was already more sparse before the DOGE idiocy. Be vigilant folks! ❤️

Leave no trace

Of course none of those fat cat unproductive Federal Employee Park Rangers to remove them since fired.

/s (but not)


Here goes the vandalism. Perfect way to ruin the parks. Graffiti saying “save the park” on some rocks next.


Soooooo edgy



It’s time for rangers, fired and un not fired, to take possession of the National Parks and protest!

Gee, I hope they don’t fall to their death…

of course they didn’t have work today…

All 2 of them

And no one was there to see it

It was overdramatise prior to the election but is 100% on point now.

I was about to move to Ukraine but this gave me hope

What are they protesting?

Defacing our Parks won’t win you any friends.

Stop putting the flag in dirt. Damn disgraceful shit if you work for the government and can’t take care of the flag that represents our country, its people, and those who have sacrificed.

No one cares

All I see is ignorance.

Whatever your politics let’s not deface our beautiful scenery at the NP’s with a political statement.

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